Occupational justice through paid work : a qualitative study of work transitionprogrammes for youth with disabilities

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Background and rationale: Unemployed South African youth with disabilities form part of a disturbingly high general unemployment rate (29%) in the country. Favourable legislative and policy environments have been created for the development of the youth in general, and for the employment of people with disabilities, but remain vague on the issue of youth with disabilities, and appear to have failed to culminate into better employment outcomes for this group. The employment endeavours of youth with disabilities as a global minority, vulnerable, and designated group are under-researched; a situation that contributes to our lack of knowledge and understanding about their needs in relation to work. While we hold insights about the relationship between work, health and well-being, it is irresponsible and unjust to continue to ignore the exclusion of youth with disabilities from the occupation of work. Aim: The aim of the study was to do an in-depth exploration into how a South African work transition programme for youth with disabilities promote occupational justice through work. Objectives: The research objectives were: - to explore the work transition programme’s understanding of disability, it’s goals, operations, and employment outcomes for youth with disabilities; - to analyse manifestations of occupational justice in the programme’s goals, operations, and employment outcomes; - to explore the experiences and perspectives of youth with disabilities in relation to work and occupational justice; - to make recommendations to other work transition programmes, practitioners and policy makers regarding programme design and implementation that could promote occupational justice. Methodology: A critical ethnographic methodology was used to explore the context and operations of a work transition programme for youth with intellectual disabilities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. A critical occupational perspective was taken in the inductive analysis process to generate knowledge about taken-for-granted truths that could underlie the way that the occupation of work may be denied to youth with disabilities. Data collection comprised qualitative methods of interviewing, documents review, focus group interviews, observation and journalling. Eight individual interviews were completed with two programme directors, a job coach and an employer. Five focus group interviews were done with unemployed and employed youth, and all available documents were reviewed. All interviews were transcribed in English, checked, corrected and uploaded to Atlas.ti for analysis. Inductive analysis comprised three phases namely, coding and categorising the data, crystalising the categories and developing preliminary themes, and final theme development. Findings: Three overarching themes developed from the data. Theme I, Along the way towards occupational justice, was categorised by information about the readiness of youth with disabilities to enter into the work transition programme, their journey of development through the programme, and the role of learnerships as a tool in work transition of this group. Theme II, Working "outside", reflected meanings of working in the open labour market for youth with disabilities. A specific experience of occupational injustice highlighted the iterative nature of work transition, and the context of the open labour market and employers' role in relation to employment of youth with disabilities were described. Theme III, Supported Employment as a counter to occupational injustice, elaborated the essence of support as an element in work transition. Categories under this theme showed different sources of support (job coach, family, employer, other youth) as imperative to work transition of youth with disabilities. Conclusions: The work transition programme promoted occupational justice by, firstly, adhering to and practicing according to a human rights-based approach (HRBA). The HRBA further informed and was strengthened by the programme's use of supported employment as a strategy to enhance the achievement of occupational justice. The programme's harnessing of support by different role players (namely the job coach, family, employer and other youth) was particularly instrumental in counteracting occupational marginalisation. The programme also proffered approaches to a restrictive open labour market, which promoted occupational justice through work for youth with disabilities. These approaches were to pursue employment opportunities in a seemingly receptive and somewhat sensitised sector of employment, and to create supported demonstrations opportunities in open labour market environments. An important conclusion of the study was that the programme staff's creativity, dedication and commitment were imperative in promoting occupational justice through the various programme activities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond en rasionaal: Werklose jong Suid-Afrikaners met gestremdhede vorm deel van 'n kommerwekkende hoë algemene werkloosheidsyfer (29%) in die land. Wetgewing en beleide wat die algemene ontwikkeling van jong persone ondersteun is reeds geskep, asook wat die indiensneming van persone met gestremdhede ondersteun, terwyl die kwessie van jong persone met gestremdhede vaag gedefiniëerd bly in hierdie dokumente. Die gevolg blyk te wees dat beleidsriglyne nie lei tot beter werksuitkomste vir jong persone met gestremdhede nie. Daar is 'n tekort aan navorsing oor die werksaangeleenthede van jong persone met gestremdhede as 'n wêreldwye minderheidsgroep, en 'n kwesbare en aangewese groep vir regstellende aksie in werk. Onvoldoende kennis hieromtrent gee aanleiding tot 'n gebrekkige begrip oor die werksbehoeftes van jong persone met gestremdhede, en versterk die uitsluiting van hierdie jong persone in werksgeleenthede. So situasie is onregverdig en onverantwoordelik, inaggenome ons insig rakende die verhouding tussen werk, gesondheid en welwees. Oorhoofse doel: Die doel van die studie was om 'n werk-oorgangsprogram vir jong persone met gestremdhede te ondersoek, en vas te stel hoe die program 'n bydrae lewer in die bevordering van aktiwiteitsgeregtigheid, deur middel van werk, vir hierdie groep. Spesifieke doelstellings: Die spesifieke navorsingsdoelstellings was: - om werk-oorgangsprogramme te ondersoek in terme van hul doelstellings, bedrywighede, hulle begrip van gestremdheid, en werksuitkomste; - om die manifestasies van aktiwiteitsgeregtigheid te analiseer soos wat dit voorkom in die programme se doelstellings, bedrywigheide en werksuitkomste; - om perspektiewe en ervarings van jong persone met gestremdhede te verken, met betrekking tot aktiwiteitsgelykheid; en - om aanbevelings te maak rakende werk-oorgangsprogramme ten opsigte van aktiwiteitsgelykheid deur werk. Metodologie: 'n Kritiese etnografiese metodologie is gebruik om die konteks en bedrywighede van 'n werkoorgangsprogram vir jong persone met intellektuele gestremdhede in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika, te verken. 'n Kritiese aktiwiteits-perspektief is ook toegepas tydens die induktiewe analise proses om kennis voort te bring oor aannames wat onderliggend kan wees tot die verlening of beperking van werksgeleenthede vir jong persone met gestremdhede. Kwalitatiewe datainsamelingsmetodes is gebruik, naamlik onderhoudvoering, dokumentanalise, fokusgroepe, waarneming en joernaalinskrywings. Agt individuele onderhoude is gevoer met twee programdirekteure, 'n werksafrigter en 'n werkgewer. Vyf fokusgroepe is gehou met werkende en werklose jong persone met gestremdhede. Alle beskikbare dokumente van toepassing op die studie is geanaliseer. Nadat onderhoude getranskribeer is na Engels is die akkuraatheid van die transkripsies gekontroleer en dit na Atlas.ti opgelaai vir analise. Die induktiewe analitiese proses het drie fases behels naamlik, kodering en kategorisering van data, verskerping van kategorieë en die ontwikkeling van voorlopige temas, en finale tema-ontwikkeling. Bevindinge: Drie oorhoofse temas het ontwikkel gedurende data-analise. Die eerste tema, Oppad na aktiwiteitsgeregtigheid, behels kategorieë van inligting omtrent jong persone met gestremdhede se gereedheid om by die werk-oorgangsprogram aan te sluit, hul ontwikkeling tydens deelname aan die program, en die rol van leerlingskappe in die werksoorgang vir hierdie groep. Die tweede tema, genaamd Om "buite" te werk, ondervang die betekenis van werk in die ope arbeidsmark vir jong persone met gestremdhede. 'n Spesifieke ervaring van aktiwiteits-ongeregtigheid fokus op die kwessie van iteratiewe werksoorgange binne die ope arbeidsmark konteks sowel as die rol van werkgewers ten opsigte van indiensneming van jong persone met gestremdhede. Die derde tema, Ondersteunde Werk as 'n teenwig vir aktiwiteits-ongelykheid, brei uit oor die sentraliteit van ondersteuning as 'n element in werksoorgange. Kategorieë binne hierdie tema wys op die noodsaaklikheid van verskillende ondersteuningsbronne (werksafrigter, familielede, werkgewer en ander jong persone met gestremdhede) in die werksoorgang van jong persone met gestremdhede. Gevolgtrekkings: Bevindinge van die studie het gewys dat die werk-oorgangsprogram aktiwiteitsgeregtigheid op 'n aantal wyses bevorder. Eerstens word die program se bedrywighede na aanleiding van 'n menseregte-gebasseerde benadering gerig. Hierdie benadering is ook gebruik om die program se ondersteunde werk-strategie te beïnvloed en te verstek – sodoende is die strewe na aktwititeitsgeregtigheid ondersteun. Die program se benutting van verskillende ondersteuningsbronne, naamlik die werksafrigter, familielede, die werkgewer, en ander jong persone met gestremdhede, was spesifiek belangrik as teenfoeter vir marginalisering in werk. 'n Belangrike gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die programpersoneel se kreatiwiteit, toewyding en sterk verbintenis tot die program integraal was vir die bevordering van aktiwiteitsgelykheid deur middel van werk.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Youth with disabilities -- Employment -- South Africa, Youth with disabilities -- Economic conditions -- South Africa, Occupations -- Sociological aspects -- South Africa, Occupational justice -- South Africa, UCTD