Framework for developing coworking spaces through sustainable refurbishment in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study was conducted as the changing nature of work, global trends and South African market conditions indicated the need for coworking spaces. The aim of the study is to assist the development manager of coworking spaces projects in the development process. A grounded theory methodology was used to develop a conceptual framework. As guideline, the Professional Consultants Services Agreement Committee (PROCSA) matrix was used to build the conceptual framework. The PROCSA matrix states the general roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in a construction project for the lifecycle of the project, including the development manager. Requirements were added to the general roles and responsibilities of the development manager, these requirements can be divided into four main categories. Coworking requirements comprised of a coworking member typology matrix, general coworking characteristics and specific location selection requirements. Refurbishment requirements included the need for deep energy refurbishment, vacant sites, flexible refurbishment design and thorough assessment of refurbishment characteristics. Sustainable requirements included a minimum four star green rating according to the green building council of South Africa and several additional requirements to use the office rating tool. Construction management requirements included the use of an eight step method aimed at reducing waste in refurbishment projects through implementing lean construction principles. The study was validated by conducting a theoretical case study on a coworking space completed in the second half of 2018. After the theoretical case study, subject matter experts in the industry were interviewed with the results from the case study and the conceptual framework to gather further input on the conceptual framework.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is uitgevoer omdat globale tendense in SuidAfrikaanse kondisies die behoefte vir saamwerkspasies toon. Die doel van die studie is om die ontwikkelingsbestuurder van saamwerkspasies te ondersteun in die ontwikkelingsproses. ’n Gegrondeteorie metodologie is gebruik om ’n konsepsuele raamwerk te ontwikkel. Die konsepsuele raamwerk het gebruik gemaak van die Komitee vir Professionele Konsultante Ooreenkomstematriks (KPKO) as riglyn. Die KPKOmatriks benoem die rolle en verantwoordelikhede van alle partye wat betrokke is in ’n konstruksie projek vir die lewensiklus van die projek, insluitend die ontwikkelingsbestuurder. Vereistes is by die algemene rolle en verantwoordelikhede van die ontwikkelingsbestuurder gevoeg. Hierdie vereistes kan in vier hoofkategorie verdeel word. Saamwerkspasie vereistes sluit in die gebruik van ’n tipologiematriks van ’n saamwerkspasie se lede, algemene karakteristieke van ’n saamwerk spasie sowel as spesefieke vereistes vir die keuse van liggings. Opknappingsvereistes sluit in die toepassing van die energie opknapping, vakante geboue of dele van geboue, buigbare opknappingsontwerp sowel as ’n deeglike evaluering van die opknappingseienskappe. Volhoubare vereistes sluit ’n minimum vierstergroengradering volgens die groenbouraad van Suid Afrika in sowel as verskeie bykomende vereistes om die kantoorwaarderingsinstrument te gebruik. Vereistes vir konstruksiebestuur sluit die gebruik van ’n agtstapmetode in wat gemik is op die vermindering van afval in opknappingsprojekte deur die toepassing van skraal konstruksiebeginsels. Die studie is bekragtig deur ’n teoretiese gevallestudie te doen oor ’n saamwerkspasie wat in die tweede helfte van 2018 voltooi is. Na die teoretiese gevallestudie, is vakkundiges in die industrie met die resultate van die gevallestudie en die konseptuele raamwerk genader om verdere insette oor die konsepsuele raamwerk te versamel.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Coworking, Development manager, Transportation construction industry, Sustainable development, Lean manufacturing, Development, Real estate