Exploring behavioural challenges in supply chain management of George Municipality in order to function optimally

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The employees working in the supply chain management Unit and environment at George Municipality are experiencing behavioural challenges, which have a negative effect on the unit’s functioning, the productivity of employees and service delivery to communities. The purpose of this study is to explore the unethical conduct that occurs, the way management deals with the occurrence of such behaviour, and if instilling good values and moral standards can make a difference in the behaviour of the leaders and employees in order to redress the negative perception employees and the public have of the municipality. The literature review contains theories and research from scholars in the field of ethical behaviour in organisations, with specific reference to supply chain management units. It includes research regarding codes of ethics and standards; the importance of ethical conduct; existing unethical behaviour; and financial management and behavioural challenges, with a focus on the international, national and local environments. The legislative considerations for ethical governance are discussed and a case study approach is used to investigate the research problem, pointing out the occurrence of existing unethical conduct in the organisation. Managers and employees are included in the study, which uses data-collection methods of face-to-face interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The study concludes that the municipality is marred with behavioural challenges amongst managers and employees in the Supply Chain Management unit and environment. Findings of the study reveal that the municipality does not have an ethics policy or ethics officials in its employment, and does not pay adequate attention to the occurrence of unethical conduct and challenges. Furthermore, the study reveals that political interference is present in the administration of the municipality. Therefore, for the municipality’s Supply Chain Management unit to function optimally and in order to instil good behavioural values and moral standards there is a need to establish and implement an ethics policy and provide training programmes and awareness campaigns on behavioural challenges to all internal and external stakeholders. Further studies should include the exploration of the consequences of behavioural challenges for managers, officials and service delivery in government organisations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die werknemers in die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuurseenheid en omgewing van die George Munisipaliteit, ervaar gedragsuitdagings wat ‘n negatiewe effek op die eenheid se funksionering, die produktiwiteit van die werknemers en dienslewering aan die gemeenskap het. Die doel van die studie is om die onetiese gedrag wat voorkom te verken en vas te stel of die instel van goeie waardes en morele standaarde ‘n verskil aan die gedrag van leiers en werknemers sal maak, met die doel om die negatiewe persepsie wat werknemers en die publiek van die munisipaliteit het, te herstel. Die literatuuroorsig bevat teorieë en navorsing van geleerdes in die veld van etiese gedrag in organisasies, met spesifieke verwysing na Voorsieningskanaal Bestuurseenhede. Die literatuuroorsig sluit navorsing in rakende Etiese Kodes en Standaarde; die belangrikheid van etiese gedrag; bestaande onetiese gedrag; en finansiële bestuur en gedragsuitdagings, met die fokus op internasionale, nasionale en plaaslike omgewings. Die wetgewende oorwegings vir ‘n etiese regering word bespreek en ‘n gevallestudiebenadering is gebruik om die navorsingsprobleem te ondersoek, wat onetiese gedrag wat in die organisasie voorkom, uitwys. Bestuurders en werknemers is ingesluit in die studie, wat van aangesig tot aangesig onderhoude en self-geadministreerde vraelyste ingesluit het om data te versamel. Die studie het bepaal dat die munisipaliteit geskend is met gedragsuitdagings onder die bestuur en werknemers in die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuurseenheid en omgewing. Bevindinge van die studie het onthul dat die munisipaliteit nie ‘n Etiekbeleid in plek of etiek amptenare in diens het nie, en nie voldoende aandag aan die voorkoms van onetiese gedrag en gedragsuitdagings skenk nie. Verder toon die studie dat politieke inmenging in die administrasie van die munisipaliteit teenwoordig is. Dus, vir die munisipaliteit se Voorsieningskanaal Bestuurseenheid om optimaal te funksioneer, is daar ‘n behoefte om ‘n Etiekbeleid te skryf en implimenteer en opleidingsprogramme en bewusmakingsveldtogte oor gedragsuitdagings aan alle interne en eksterne belanghebbendes te verskaf, ten einde goeie gedragswaardes en morele standaarde te bewerkstellig. Verdere studies moet ondersoek wat die gevolge van die gedragsuitdagings inhou vir bestuurders, amptenare en dienslewering in regeringsorganisasies.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Business logistics -- George (South Africa) -- Moral and ethical aspects, George Municipality, Supply chain management, Organizational behavior -- George (South Africa) -- Moral and ethical aspects, UCTD