An analysis of democratic citizenship education in namibian primary education : implications for teaching and learning

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The Namibian education system has not made significant efforts to promote democratic citizenship ducation (DCE) in the country, due to unequal opportunities towards quality education. Therefore, this study sought to understand the implications of democratic citizenship education for teaching and learning in Namibian primary education, from 1993 to 2017. This was done through the analysis of major education policies that support teaching and learning, in order to understand how these policies contribute to the promotion of democratic citizenship education in the country. The analysis was guided by interpretive theory as methodology. At the same time, conceptual, deconstructive and document analyses were employed as the methods to analyse education policies. This approach (methodology and method) assisted me both to establish meanings of democratic citizenship education in the Namibian context and to determine what is delaying the promotion of democratic citizenship education in Namibia. However, this study revealed that schools in rural areas are operating under poor conditions due to a lack of teaching and learning resources, which lead to poor quality education, while schools in urban areas have adequate resources that ensure good quality education. The disparities in the quality of education are contrary to the principles of DCE. Therefore, for the realisation of democratic citizenship education in Namibia to take place, there is a need to implement compensatory programmes that give schools in rural areas proportionately more teaching and learning resources to put them on an equal footing with those in urban areas. Moreover, at a conceptual level, the Ministry of Education needs to prepare future citizens for democratic deliberation by both engaging them in decision-making concerning their lives as well as introducing them to ubuntu values, which can guide them to become responsible citizens.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die Namibiese onderwysstelsel het nie beduidende pogings aangewend om demokratiese burgerskaponderrig in die land te bevorder nie weens ongelyke geleenthede wat betref gehalteonderwys. Hierdie navorsing het dus gepoog om die implikasies van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys vir onderrig en leer in Namibiese primêre onderwys van 1993 tot 2017 te begryp. Dit is gedoen deur die ontleding van belangrike onderwysbeleide wat onderrig en leer ondersteun, ten einde te begryp hoe hierdie beleide tot die bevordering van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys in die land bydra. Die analise is gelei deur onderwysfilosofie as benadering en interpretatiewe teorie as metodologie. Terselfdertyd is konseptuele, dekonstruktiewe en dokumentanalise gebruik as die metodes om onderwysbeleide te analiseer. Hierdie metodologie het my gehelp om die betekenis van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys teen die Namibiese agtergrond te bepaal en om vas te stel waardeur die bevordering van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys in Namibië vertraag word. Hierdie navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat skole in landelike gebiede in swak omstandighede funksioneer weens ʼn gebrek aan hulpbronne vir onderrig en leer, wat lei tot onderwys van swak gehalte, terwyl skole in stedelike gebiede voldoende hulpbronne het wat onderwys van goeie gehalte verseker. Die ongelykhede in die gehalte van onderwys is in stryd met die beginsels van demokratiese burgerskaponderrig. Vir die verwesenliking van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys in Namibië is dit dus nodig om kompenserende programme te implementeer wat aan skole in landelike gebiede proporsioneel meer onderrig- en leerhulpbronne sal gee om hulle op gelyke voet met dié in stedelike gebiede te bring. Daarbenewens moet die Ministerie van Onderwys toekomstige burgers vir demokratiese oorlegpleging voorberei deur hulle beide te betrek by besluitneming rakende hulle lewens en hulle aan ubuntu-waardes bekend te stel, wat hulle op die pad na verantwoordelike burgerskap kan lei.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Democratic citizenship education, Democracy -- Namibia, Education and state -- Namibia, Education, Primary -- Namibia, Ubuntu (Philosophy), UCTD