Strategic utterances: repertoires, perceptions and indexical speech patterns among coloured people in Paarl

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis looks at spoken Afrikaans among coloured people in Paarl by focussing on their context-based speech habits. They speak a heterogenous Afrikaans dialect called Kaaps Afrikaans, which often differs between individuals and social circles. This means that the nature of their Afrikaans speech is often determined by their immediate physical and/or social contexts. It became clear during the conversations with the participants that they regarded Standard Afrikaans as superior to their own everyday speech in formal contexts. However, many also expressed the opinion that English outranked Standard Afrikaans, which may explain why several participants preferred to conduct our recorded conversations in English and not Afrikaans. A short historical outline of the development of Afrikaans from a Khoisan trading pidgin into a dominant Dutch Creole and, later, into the diverse present-day Afrikaans is also provided. Mention is also made of the development Dutch Creole literature – written in Arabic script – among Muslim slaves and how it was used to spread the teachings of Islam.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif kyk na gesproke Afrikaans onder kleurling mense in die Paarl deur te fokus op hul konteksgebaseerde spraakgewoontes. Hulle praat 'n heterogene Afrikaanse dialek wat Kaapse Afrikaans genoem word. Kaapse Afrikaans verskil dikwels tussen individue en sosiale kringe. Dit beteken dat die aard van hul gesproke Afrikaanse dikwels bepaal word deur hul onmiddellike fisiese en/of sosiale kontekste. Tydens die gesprekke met die deelnemers aan hierdie projek het dit duidelik geword dat hulle standaard Afrikaans as beter beskou as hul eie alledaagse spraak tydens formele kontekste. Baie het egter ook die mening uitgespreek dat hulle Engels hoër ag as, selfs, standaard Afrikaans, wat kan verduidelik hoekom verskeie deelnemers verkies het om ons gesprekke – wat op band afgeneem is – in Engels uit te voer in plaas van Afrikaans. ñ Kort historiese uiteensetting word ook verskaf van die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans vanaf 'n Khoisan-handelspidgin tot 'n dominante Nederlandse Creole en later ook in die diverse hedendaagse Afrikaans. Daar word ook melding gemaak van die ontwikkeling van die Nederlandse Creole letterkunde - geskrewe in Arabiese skrif - onder Moslem slawe en hoe dit gebruik is om die leringe van Islam te versprei.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Colored people (South Africa) -- Language -- South Africa -- Paarl, Khoikhoi (African people) -- History, Afrikaans language -- Social aspects -- South Africa, Colored people (South Africa) -- South Africa -- Paarl, UCTD