Predictive validity of general intelligence and Big Five measures for adult basic education and training outcomes

De Bruin K.
De Bruin G.P.
Dercksen S.
Cilliers-Hartslief M.
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This study explored whether scores on intelligence tests and personality questionnaires can predict performance in an adult basic education and training (ABET) programme. Participants in ABET programmes often have limited English reading skills, which make the use of conventional assessment tools problematic. A proposed solution is to utilise instruments that make limited demands on the use of language. Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM), a well-established intelligence test, and the Five Factor-Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ) are both instruments that do not require any reading. The performance of 82 participants in the practical and academic components of an ABET programme was correlated with the RPM and the five traits of the FF-NPQ, namely, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience, Neuroticism and Agreeableness. The RPM correlated significantly with both the practical (r = 0.47) and academic components (r= 0.35). The Agreeableness scale of the FF-NPQ correlated significantly with the practical component (r = 0.34). No personality scale correlated significantly with the academic component. The results show that non-verbal intelligence tests and personality inventories can be potentially useful in the prediction of performance in an ABET programme. © Psychological Society of South Africa. All rights reserved.
South African Journal of Psychology