An interpretive analysis of the Early Childhood Development Policy Trajectory in post-apartheid South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Early childhood development (ECD) is universally recognised for its concern with the most important foundation years of life, focussing on the holistic development of the young child’s potential. It is during the first six years that much learning takes place and is developed. The primary research question in this study was: What was the ECD policy trajectory in postapartheid South Africa and how did it unfold? In answering this question, the study traced, described and interpreted the ECD policy trajectory in post-apartheid South Africa, and critically analysed the ECD policy-making processes, viewed through an interpretive lens. My original contribution to knowledge is to provide an explanation of how the ECD policy trajectory shaped the evolution of ECD in post-apartheid South Africa during a period of unprecedented social, political, economic and education transformation. This study is significant since it contributes to knowledge building about ECD policy-making through the voice of ECD policy-makers and activists who had been central to ECD policy-making in South Africa. The study findings and recommendations could also have global relevance given the increased focus on ECD and ECD policy-making across the world. The research comprised a policy trajectory study that used a qualitative research paradigm. Data was constructed from a comprehensive examination of ECD policy documents, including policy statements, government White Papers and government reports over the period 1990 to 2015 and from structured, face-to-face interviews with 19 key stakeholders who were centrally involved in ECD policy-making in South Africa over this period. During a pilot study, the interview schedule was tested for its appropriateness, relevance and ease of administration. Triangulation was used to enhance the validity and trustworthiness of the study. In undertaking this research study, I had the benefit of having been involved in the ECD policy-making processes in South Africa from 1990 to 2015. During this period, I was on various ECD policy-making teams, firstly set up by the anti-apartheid structures and thereafter by the new democratic government, to assist with policy-making and policy implementation. I used my involvement and participation in ECD policy-making to locate myself within this study. In analysing the findings of the study, I adopted an interpretive approach aiming to provide an understanding of the ECD policy trajectory. The data was analysed using a modified version of Tesch’s (1990) stages of data analysis. The study found that the ECD policy-making process in South Africa had been haphazard, contradictory, unplanned and confusing. Key findings in this study relate to how ECD policy was made in South Africa from 1990 to 2015, how the ECD policy trajectory unfolded, how ECD policy was implemented, how the ECD policy choices were communicated, enhancing ECD policy-making, and the challenges and constraints in ECD policy-making. The dissertation concludes by reflecting on the state of ECD in South Africa at the time of this study, making recommendations for the future, discussing the implications of the study findings for ECD policy-making and for ECD in South Africa, and suggests areas for further research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Vroeëkindontwikkeling (VKO) word algemeen erken vir ʼn gemoeidheid met die belangrikste grondslagjare gewy aan die holistiese ontwikkeling van die jong kind se potensiaal. Dit is gedurende die eerste ses jaar dat die grondslae vir toekomstige leer gelê word. Die primêre navorsingsvraag in hierdie studie was: Wat was die VKO-beleidstrajek in SuidAfrika ná apartheid en hoe het dit ontwikkel? By die beantwoording van hierdie vraag is die VKO-beleidstrajek in Suid-Afrika ná apartheid nagegaan, beskryf en geïnterpreteer, en die prosesse van VKO-beleidsbepaling op kritiese wyse ontleed, soos deur ʼn interpretatiewe lens beskou. My oorspronklike bydrae tot kennis is om ʼn verduideliking te bied van hoe die VKObeleidstrajek die evolusie van VKO in Suid-Afrika ná apartheid in ʼn tydperk van ongekende maatskaplike, politieke, ekonomiese en onderwystransformasie gerig het. Hierdie studie is van betekenis aangesien dit bydra tot die uitbou van kennis rakende VKO-beleidsbepaling met behulp van die stemme van VKO-beleidsvormers en aktiviste wat met betrekking tot VKO-beleidsbepaling in Suid-Afrika sentraal gestaan het. Die navorsingsbevindinge en aanbevelings sou ook universele toepaslikheid kon hê gegewe die groter fokus op VKO en VKO-beleidsbepaling oor die wêreld heen. Die navorsing het ʼn beleidsrigtingstudie behels wat ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsparadigma gebruik het. Data is versamel na aanleiding van ʼn omvattende ondersoek van VKObeleidsdokumente, met inbegrip van beleidsverklarings, Regeringswitskrifte en regeringsverslae oor die tydperk 1990 tot 2015 en met behulp van gestruktureerde, persoonlike onderhoude met 19 invloedryke belanghebbendes wat oor hierdie tydperk sentraal betrokke was by VKO-beleidsbepaling in Suid-Afrika. Die onderhoudskedule is met behulp van ʼn loodsstudie getoets vir geskiktheid, toepaslikheid en gebruiksgerief. Triangulering is gebruik om die geldigheid en geloofwaardigheid van die navorsing te verhoog. Tydens hierdie navorsingstudie het ek die voordeel gehad dat ek van 1990 tot 2015 by die VKO-beleidsbepalingsproses betrokke was. Gedurende hierdie tydperk was ek lid van verskeie spanne, eerstens dié byeengeroep deur die anti-apartheidstrukture en daarna deur die nuwe demokratiese regering om bystand te verleen met VKO-beleidsbepaling en -implementering. Ek het my betrokkenheid by en deelname aan VKO-beleidsbepaling gebruik om my plek in hierdie studie te bepaal. By die ontleding van die navorsingsbevindinge het ek ʼn interpretatiewe benadering gevolg wat daarop gemik was om ʼn begrip van die VKO-beleidstrajek te bied. Die data is ontleed met behulp van ʼn gewysigde weergawe van Tesch (1990) se fases van data-ontleding. Die studie het bevind dat die VKO-beleidsbepalingsproses in Suid-Afrika inkonsekwent, teenstrydig, onbeplan en verwarrend was. Sleutelbevindinge in hierdie studie hou verband met hoe VKO-beleid in Suid-Afrika van 1990 tot 2015 gemaak is, hoe die VKO-beleidstrajek ontplooi het, hoe VKO-beleid geïmplementeer is, hoe die VKO-beleidskeuses gekommunikeer is en so VKO-beleidsbepaling versterk het, asook die uitdagings en beperkinge in VKO-beleidsbepaling. Die tesis sluit af met besinning oor die stand van VKO in Suid-Afrika ten tye van hierdie navorsing, aanbevelings vir die toekoms, ʼn bespreking van die implikasies van die navorsingsbevindinge vir VKO-beleidsbepaling en vir VKO in Suid-Afrika, en voorstelle vir verdere navorsing.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Early childhood development (ECD) policies, Child development -- Finance -- South Africa, Child development -- Study and teaching -- South Africa, Child development -- Law and legislation -- South Africa, Child development -- Research -- South Africa, UCTD