A critical analysis of problem representations in basic education policy in the democratic South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis critically analyses problem representations identified within basic education policy documents, dated between 1995 and 2015. These policy documents are identified in the thesis as: the White Paper on Education and Training of 1995, the Plan of Action: Improving access to free and quality basic education for all, and lastly, the Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of schooling 2030. Problem representations, in the thesis, refer to the explicit and implicit representations of problems, as termed by Bacchi (1999). Bacchi’s (2009) “What’s the problem represented to be?” (WPR) approach is the foundation and the analytical tool utilised within the thesis, and is set apart from conventional forms of policy analysis. Part of its unconventional approach to policy analysis is its post-structuralism philosophy, which also underpins the direction of this thesis. The thesis considers global trends in approaching policy analyses, and then focuses more on the South African context. An in-depth analysis of literature reveals dominant themes and approaches in education policy analysis in South Africa, which also indicates that the WPR approach has never before been applied to education policy in South Africa. The WPR approach in the thesis is the analytical tool that is applied, and it supports the qualitative approach undertaken in the research. The explicit and implicit representation of problems reveal patterns that are observed across all three policy documents, namely; the provision of physical infrastructure, compulsory and free educations, management of the system and learner performance, early childhood development, teacher training and job satisfaction, and finally, the legacy of the past and inequality. Identification of problem representations and the application of the WPR approach show the underlying assumptions made by policy documents that are embedded within the explicit and implicit representations of problems. These assumptions bring about different meanings and interpretations of what is classified as the ‘problem’. The thesis emphasises the legacy of apartheid within the education system, and concludes that the democratic system expects learners who were previously disadvantaged – through the system of apartheid – and who are disadvantaged now – through socio-economic inequalities – to achieve the same learner performance outcomes as those who do not experience disadvantages in any of these forms.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif ontleed kritiese probleemvoorstellings wat in die beleidsdokumente van onderwys geïdentifiseer is, wat tussen 1995 en 2015 gedateer is. Hierdie beleidsdokumente word in die proefskrif geïdentifiseer as die Witskrif oor Onderwys en Opleiding van 1995, die Plan van Aksie: Verbetering van toegang tot gratis en kwaliteit basiese onderwys vir almal en ten slotte die Aksieplan tot 2019: na die besef van onderwys 2030. Probleemvoorstellings is die eksplisiete en implisiete voorstellings van probleme soos genoem deur Bacchi (1999). Bacchi (2009) se "Wat is die probleem wat voorgestel word?" (WPR) benadering is die grondslag en die analitiese instrument wat binne die proefskrif gebruik word, en word afgesonder van konvensionele vorms van beleidsanalise. Deel van die onkonvensionele benadering tot beleid analise is die poststrukturalisme-filosofie, wat ook die rigting van hierdie proefskrif ondersteun. Die proefskrif oorweeg globale neigings in die benadering van beleidsontledings en vernou dit tot die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. 'n In-diepte analise van literatuur toon dominante temas en benaderings in onderwysbeleidsanalise in Suid-Afrika aan, wat ook aandui dat die WPRbenadering nog nooit van toepassing is op onderwysbeleid in Suid-Afrika nie. Die WPRbenadering in die proefskrif is die analitiese instrument wat toegepas word en ondersteun die kwalitatiewe benadering wat in die navorsing onderneem word. Die eksplisiete en implisiete voorstelling van probleme toon patrone wat in al drie beleidsdokumente waargeneem word, naamlik; die voorsiening van fisiese infrastruktuur, verpligte en gratis opvoeding, bestuur van die stelsel en leerderprestasie, vroeë kinderontwikkeling, onderwyseropleiding en werkstevredenheid, en laastens die nalatenskap van die verlede en ongelykheid. Identifisering van probleemvoorstellings en die toepassing van die WPR-benadering toon die onderliggende aannames wat gemaak word deur beleidsdokumente wat ingebed is in die eksplisiete en implisiete voorstellings van probleme. Hierdie aannames bring verskillende betekenisse en interpretasies van wat as die 'probleem' geklassifiseer word. Die proefskrif beklemtoon die nalatenskap van apartheid binne die onderwysstelsel en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die demokratiese stelsel van leerders verwag, wat voorheen benadeel is deur die stelsel van apartheid en wat nou benadeel word deur sosio-ekonomiese ongelykhede, om dieselfde leerderprestasie-uitkomste te bereik as diegene wat nie nadele ervaar in enige van hierdie vorms nie.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Education Policy -- South Africa, Basic education -- South Africa, WPR approach, Post-structuralism, Postmodernism, UCTD