The use of ICT in the greater Gaborone area

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The focus on the digital divide has shifted from the first order focus on on the gap between those who have access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and those do not, to the second order question related to the skills to beneficially use ICT or not. This thesis concerns itself with the digital divide in the greater Gaborone area in Botswana, and pays particular attention to the second order question. An important component of the research is in the form of a case study which was done via survey in Gaborone. Chapter 1 discusses the research question and background. Chapter 2 offers an extensive literature review on digital divide and relevant theories. Chapter 3 sets out the case study and methodology. Chapter 4 presents the data and analysis of the survey. Chapter 5 offers discussions and recommendations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Aandag aan die probleem van die ‘digital divide’ het verskuif van die eerste dimensie, naamlik ongelyke toegang tot Informasie en Kommunikasietegnologie (IKT), na die tweede dimensie, naamlik ongelyke vaardighede om IKT voordelig te kan gebruik. Hierdie tesis handel oor ‘digital divide’ in die groter Gaborone area, in besonder met betrekking tot die tweede dimensie. ‘n Belangrike komponent van die studie behels ‘n gevallestudie wat deur middel van ‘n vraeboog uitgevoer is in Gaborone. Hoofstuk 1 bespreek die navorsingsvraag en agtergrond. Hoofstuk 2 bied ‘n uitgebreide literatuuroorsig oor die problematiek en relevant teoriee. Hoofstuk 3 sit die gevallestudie uiteen. Hoofstuk 4 bied die resultate van die gevallestudie. Hoofstuk 5 maak gevolgtrekkings en voorstelle op grond van die navorsing.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Divide, Digital -- Gaborone (Botswana), Information and communication technology (ICT) -- Gaborone (Botswana), Technology adoption -- Gaborone (Botswana), UCTD