A social work investigation into environmental injustice in a low socioeconomic settlement: The experiences of residents

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Environmental injustice is a global phenomenon that entails the unequal distribution of environmental resources as well as disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards. Invariably, low socioeconomic populations carry a higher burden of negative environmental conditions such as pollution and vulnerability to natural dangers, while having less access to environmental resources such as vegetation, public parks, and adequate infrastructure. The case is no different in South Africa, where unequal and oppressive environments were deliberately created under apartheid governance, and of which the effects persist to this day. The Social Work profession emphasises the importance of considering the person in their environment, yet there is very little empirical understanding of the impact of environmental injustice on social functioning and development. This qualitative study sought to investigate environmental injustice in low socioeconomic settlements from the perspective of residents. Utilising a combined exploratory and descriptive research design, residents of a low socioeconomic settlement in Cape Town, South Africa, had been interviewed to collect thick descriptions of their lived experiences regarding environmental injustice. A semi-structured interview schedule had been utilised to conduct in-person interviews. A purposive sampling method was utilised to attain a sample of 15 participants who met the sample criteria. The key finding of this study is that residents of a low socioeconomic settlement face adverse environmental conditions daily. This includes a lack of adequate access to resources such as clean water and basic sanitation services; insufficient infrastructure; and natural or constructed spaces that render residents vulnerable to crime and environmental dangers such as fires, flooding and toxic pollution. This lack of environmental resources and exposure to dangers is contrary to the Constitution of South Africa, which ensures a safe environment, housing and basic services to all citizens. Not only do the residents of low socioeconomic settlements experience these environmental injustices, but their plight is perpetuated by little recognition of the impact of the environment or legal protection of their rights. The findings also highlight the profound impact of these unequal environmental conditions on the social functioning of residents and state of their social development within the low socioeconomic settlement. Residents are wrought with anxiety and fear; their self-concept is degraded; they feel undignified; community cohesion dissolves; spiritual and cultural alienation occurs; residents lose hope for the future; and crime prevails. With little intervention by the government and social sector to address these continued issues, residents are trapped in an oppressive cycle of environmental injustice that prevents optimal social functioning and inhibits social development. In the light of the findings, several recommendations are made for role players in different sectors, who may have an impact on the issue of environmental injustice in low socioeconomic settlements. These recommendations all relate to a need for a greater awareness of the impact of environmental injustice on social development, and a shift to addressing not only the resounding effects of the issue, but also attempts to counter it’s causes. Environmental injustice influences many spheres of society and the environment, and must therefore be addressed on a multi-disciplinary level.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Omgewingsongelykheid is 'n wêreldwye verskynsel wat die ongelyke verspreiding van omgewingshulpbronne en oneweredige blootstelling aan omgewingsgevare behels. Lae sosio-ekonomiese bevolkings dra altyd 'n hoër las van negatiewe omgewingstoestande soos besoedeling en kwesbaarheid vir natuurlike gevare, terwyl hulle minder toegang het tot omgewingshulpbronne soos plantegroei, publieke parke en voldoende infrastruktuur. Hierdie verskynsel is ook te sien in Suid-Afrika, waar ongelyke omgewings doelbewus onder apartheidsregering geskep is, en waarvan die impak tot vandag toe voortduur. Die Maatskaplike Werk professie beklemtoon die belangrikheid daarvan om die persoon in hul omgewing te verstaan, maar daar is baie min empiriese begrip van die impak van omgewingsongelykheid op maatskaplike funksionering en maatskaplike ontwikkeling. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het gepoog om omgewingsongelykheid in lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersettings vanuit die perspektief van inwoners te ondersoek. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n gekombineerde verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is persoonlike onderhoude gevoer met inwoners van 'n lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersetting in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, om indiepte beskrywings van hulle daaglikse ervaringe met betrekking tot omgewingsongelykheid te versamel. ‘n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhouskedule is benut tydens die onderhoude. ‘n Doelbewuste steekproefmetode is benut om ‘n steekproef van 15 deelnemers te bekom wat die steekproefkriteria nagekom het. Die sleutelbevinding van hierdie studie is dat inwoners van 'n lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersetting daagliks ongunstige omgewingstoestande ervaar. Dit sluit in 'n gebrek aan voldoende toegang tot hulpbronne soos skoon water en basiese sanitasiedienste; onvoldoende infrastruktuur; en natuurlike of beboude ruimtes wat inwoners kwesbaar maak vir misdaad en omgewingsgevare soos brande, oorstromings en giftige besoedeling. Hierdie gebrek aan omgewingsbronne en blootstelling aan gevare is teenstryding met die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika, wat 'n veilige omgewing, behuising en basiese dienste aan alle burgers verseker. Inwoners van lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersettings ervaar nie slegs hierdie omgewingsongelykheid nie, maar hulle lot word voortgesit deur min erkenning van die impak van die omgewing en min beskerming van hul regte. Die bevindings beklemtoon ook die diepgaande impak van hierdie ongelyke omgewingstoestande op die maatskaplike funksionering van inwoners en stand van maatskaplike ontwikkeling binne die lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersetting. Inwoners ervaar angs en vrees; hulle selfkonsep word afgebreek; hulle voel onwaardig; gemeenskapsamehorigheid breek af; geestelike en kulturele vervreemding vind plaas; inwoners verloor hoop vir die toekoms; en misdaad neem oor. Met min ingryping deur die regering en die maatskaplike sektor om hierdie voortgesette kwessies aan te spreek, word inwoners vasgevang in 'n onderdrukkende siklus van omgewingsongelykheid wat optimale maatskaplike funksionering voorkom en maatskaplike ontwikkeling belemmer. In die lig van hierdie bevindinge word verskeie aanbevelings gemaak vir rolspelers in verskillende sektore wat 'n impak kan hê op die kwessie van omgewingsongelykheid in lae sosio-ekonomiese nedersettings. Hierdie aanbevelings hou almal verband met ‘n behoefte aan ‘n sterker bewustheid van die impak van omgewingsongelykheid op maatskaplike ontwikkeling, en verg 'n verandering sodat nie net die heersende impak van die probleem aangespreek word nie, maar ook om die oorsake daarvan te voorkom. Omgewingsongelykheid beïnvloed baie sfere van die samelewing en die omgewing, en moet daarom op multidissiplinêre vlak aangespreek word.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Environmental injustice -- Low-income housing, Environmental racism -- Low-income housing, Investigations -- Social services, UCTD