The effect of dietary fish oil rich in n - 3 fatty acids on the organoleptic, fatty acid and physicochemical characteristics of ostrich meat

Hoffman L.C.
Joubert M.
Brand T.S.
Manley M.
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The effect of different levels of unrefined fish oil in the diet on ostrich Musculus iliofibularis was evaluated in a completely randomised experimental design, where a supplementary energy rich feed, containing 6.7% fish oil, was fed at four different levels over a 7-month period. An increase in the amount of fish oil consumed was found to have had no significant effect on the sensory characteristics of ostrich meat, although there was a tendency towards an increase in fishiness, for both aroma and flavour. Increased concentrations of fish oil, however, did have a significant effect on the aroma and flavour of the abdominal fat pads. The muscle pHf and muscle lightness (L*) revealed a significant reduction, with increased energy intake. However, the increased energy intake had no effect on the chemical composition (moisture, protein, fat, and ash content) of the meat. The fatty acid profile of both adipose tissue and muscle was altered as a result of the consumption of fish oil. The SFA concentration increased, while the PUFA concentration decreased with increasing dietary levels. The MUFA concentration remained constant for all four groups. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fish oil, Folic acid, Ostrich meat, Sensor evaluation, Composition, Fatty acids, Flavors, Muscle, Nutrition, pH effects, Proteins, Meats, Musculus, Struthio camelus
Meat Science