The development of a risk management framework that integrates with the quality control and food safety management system of a catfish processing pilot plant

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following research describes the steps taken to create a method for Blue Karoo Trust (BKT), a company specialising in aquaculture and the processing of African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus), to identify risks at any stage during the catfish processing, and to determine the financial impact of the occurrence of such a risk. Finally, the method will recommend how the situation should be managed in order to control the risk. The BKT catfish farming project is contributing to the development of the aquaculture sector of South Africa and succeeds in producing a sustainable, high-protein food source. The company strives to become Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and FSSC 22000 certified to ensure the production of safe food. A HACCP system has been developed for the production at the pilot plant, but it is yet to be implemented on the production line. The goal of the processing facility is to upgrade from a pilot to commercial scale plant once the production line becomes commercially viable and sustainable. BKT, as an emerging company, is exposed to various types of risks. It was established that the company has no formal risk management system in place. The proposed risk management framework seeks to provide BKT with a method to identify risks in the production value chain that could affect the quality of the product, the production time, and the financial performance of the company. A value chain in the form of a process flow diagram was created by making use of the production procedures prescribed by the quality and safety management systems of BKT. The process flow diagram was validated by comparing the actual activities on the production line to the official procedures, as stated in the HACCP plan. Additionally, a mass balance, time study, as well as a cost analysis, were conducted in order to complete the value chain of the processing line and to facilitate the quantification of risks. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with employees and supervisors to determine the factors inhibiting the workforce from implementing hygiene and food safety principles. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to validate that the framework is able to identify, quantify, and control risk in the processing line. The outcome of the sensitivity analysis was validated by consulting with experts in the food production operations field. Ultimately, a framework that is able to guide management of the catfish processing facility to identify, quantify and control risks in the processing line was developed and verified.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie stel die stappe voor wat geneem is om vir Blue Karoo Trust (BKT), ‘n maatskappy wat betrokke is by akwakultuur en die verwerking van Afrikaanse skerptandbaber (Clarias gariepinus), ‘n metode te ontwikkel wat hul in staat sal stel om risiko’s tydens prosesseringsstappe te identifiseer en die finansiële uitwerking daarvan, te kwantifiseer. Die metode maak ook voorstelle hoe die risiko bepaal kan word en hoe om die negatiewe impak daarvan te minimeer. Die akwakultuurprojek van BKT dra tans by tot die ontwikkeling van die akwakultuurindustrie van Suid Afrika en slaag daarin om ‘n volhoubare bron van hoë-proteïenvoedsel te vervaardig. Die maatskappy beoog om Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) en FSSC 22000 gesertifiseer te wees en om op so ‘n manier te verseker dat hul voedsel produseer wat veilig is vir menslike verbruik. ‘n HACCP plan is reeds ontwikkel vir die proefaanleg se prosesseringslyn, maar word tans nie geïmplementeer nie. Die einddoel van die prosesseringsfasiliteit is om van proefaanlegskaal oor te skakel na kommersiële vervaardigingsskaal wanneer die produksielyn kommersieel lewensvatbaar en volhoubaar is. BKT is ‘n opkomende besigheid en word dus blootgestel aan verskeie risiko’s. Dit was bevestig dat die besigheid geen formele risikobestuursisteem in plek het nie. Die voorgestelde risikobestuurraamwerk beoog om vir BKT ‘n metode te verskaf waarmee risiko’s in die produksiewaardeketting geïdentifiseer kan word. Meer spesifiek teiken dit risiko’s wat ‘n moontlike negatiewe impak op die kwaliteit van die produk sal hê, die produksietyd sal beïnvloed en uiteindelik die finansiële toestand van die maatskappy sal beïnvloed. ‘n Waardeketting van die produksielyn is ontwikkel in die vorm van ‘n prosesvloeidiagram deur gebruik te maak van die voorgestelde produksieprosedures in die HACCP plan van die produksielyn. Die prosesvloeidiagram was versterk deur die ware produksieproses waar te neem en te bepaal of die vloeidiagram ooreenstem met die waargenome prosesse. ‘n Massabalans, ‘n tydstudie en ‘n koste-analise was ook uitgevoer op die produksielyn om die opgestelde waardeketting aan te vul en om risiko kwantifisering toe te laat. Verder was onderhoude met produksielyn-werkers en -opsigters gevoer om risiko’s ten opsigte van die implementering van voedsel veiligheidssisteme te identifiseer. ‘n Sensitiwiteitsanalise was uitgevoer op die waardekettingmodel om te verseker dat the raamwerk in staat is om risiko’s in die produksielyn te kan identifiseer, te kwantifiseer en te beheer. Die uitkomste van die sensitiwiteitsanalise was bekragtig deur operasionele deskundiges in die industrie te raadpleeg. ‘n Raamwerk was uiteindelik opgestel vir BKT wat die bestuur in staat sal stel om risiko’s te identifiseer en te beheer op die produksielyn.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Catfishes -- Processing, Fishery processing plants -- Risk Management, Fishery processing plants -- Quality control, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Fishery processing plants -- Safety measures, UCTD, Risk management -- Economic aspects