Migration and labour force participation: analysis of internal economic migrants in Gauteng South Africa, 2011

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically Gauteng has always been the centre of attraction for the migrants from other parts of the country in search of economic opportunities and a better life. What has always been the question was whether Gauteng is able to economically absorb this flow mainly from rural areas into its workforce. Using census 2011 data the study investigates individual and socio-economic characteristics that are significant to migrants being employed and unemployed and whether migrants at different age groups have a better chance of being employed in the province of origin or in Gauteng. The analysis is conducted at three levels i.e. univariate, bivariate and multivariate using statistical techniques such as frequency tables, graphs of cross-tabulations, chi-square and binary logistics regression. The results show that selected individual and socio-economic characteristics are significant and highly associated with internal migrants being employed or unemployed in Gauteng.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die soeke na ekonomiese geleenthede en ‘n beter lewe, was Gauteng nog altyd die midddelpunt van belangstelling vir migrante vanuit ander dele van die land. Die vraag was egter nog altyd of Gauteng in staat is om hierdie vloei van hoofsaaklik plattelandse areas in hul werkmag ekonomies kan absorbeer. Deur gebruik te maak van 2011 Sensus data doen hierdie studie ondersoek na die individuele en sosio-ekonomiese eienskappe wat beduidend is vir migrante wat indiensgeneem en werkloos is. Verder poog die ondersoek om te bepaal of migrante van verskillende ouderdom’s groepe ‘n beter kans het om indiens geneem te word in hul provinsie van oorsprong of in Gauteng. Hierdie analise word uitgevoer op drie vlakke nl. Eenveranderlike-, tweeveranderlikee, en multiveranderlike analises, waarin van statistiese tegnieke soos frekwensie tabelle, kruistabulering’s grafieke, chi-kwadraat en binêre logistieke regressie gebruik gemaak word. Die resultate dui aan dat geselekteerde individue en sosio-ekonomiese karaktertrekke beduidend is en hoogs geassosieer word met interne migrante wat indiensgeneem of werkloos is in Gauteng.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Migration, Internal -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Migrant labor -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Labor mobility -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Migrants -- Economics -- South Africa -- Gauteng, UCTD