Project portfolio management best practice and implementation: A South African perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organizations are constantly under pressure to innovate and grow! by successfully executing their business strategies.The ever Pincreasing rate of change in technology has implications for product lifecycles, cost pressures, expectations of higher quality and a larger variety of products and services. These trends result in mounting pressures and a huge increase in complexity, as the drivers of innovation must be managed to achieve a competitive advantage. Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a solution for managing the complexities of multi projects, and is theorized to assist an organization in achieving this competitive advantage through the implementation of business strategy, balancing portfolios, maximizing value, and ensuring resource adequacy.There is however, a lack of empirical evidence regarding the employment and success of PPM approaches in South Africa. This study presents and validates a framework, and it analyses the link between PPM implementation and!PPM!success in achieving!strategic objectives. The framework is constructed from a thorough literature review regarding the factors of good practice in PPM. This thesis identifies and investigates three areas of PPM!literature: (1) success criteria (2) success factors and (3) challenges in PPM. To address the lack of empirical research in this field for the South African context, the framework and identified areas of literature were!empirically tested. This was done using a mixed methodology approach consisting of two stages: (1) quantitative (surveys) and (2) qualitative (interviews). The! quantitative results from the surveys were based on 342 respondents, yielding a response rate of 17%. The data from the surveys were analysed and followed by 4 interviews to gain better insight and understanding into the results of the surveys. This study contributes to the investigation of the relationship between the best practices of project portfolio management as well as its success. This!study creates a solid platform upon which future studies in the field of project portfolio management can be built.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Maatskappye is alewig onder druk om te innoveer en groei deur die besigheid se strategie suksesvol uit te voer. Met die konstante veranderinge in tegnologie is daar implikasies vir die maatskappy in die vorm van produkte se lewensiklusse, koste, verwagtinge van hoër kwaliteit en groter verskeidenheid produkte en dienste. Die tendense veroorsaak druk en ʼn styging van kompleksiteit om ʼn kompeterende voordeel te behaal. Portefeulje projekbestuur is ʼn oplossing om die kompleksiteit van multi projekte te ontrafel en om ʼn maatskappy te help om die besigheidstrategie te implementeer, die portefeulje te balanseer,maksimum waarde te behaal,as ook seker te maak daar is genoeg!hulpbronne. Daar is ʼn tekort aan empiriese werk oor! die! gebruik en! sukses! van! portefeulje! projek! bestuur in Suid Afrika. Hierdie studie ontwikkel en toets die geldigheid van ‘n raamwerk, en dit ontleed die verhouding tussen portefeulje projekbestuurimplementering en maatskappy sukses faktore. Die raamwerk!is!gebaseer op ‘n deeglike literatuurstudie. Die tesis identifiseer en ondersoek drie areas van portefeulje projekbestuurimplementering literatuur: (1) sukses kriteria, (2) sukses faktore, en (3) uitdagings in portefeulje projekbestuurimplementering. Om die tekort van empiriese navorsing aan te spreek in die veldvir die Suid Afrikaanse konteks, word die raamwerk empiries getoets. Hierdie was gedoen deur ‘n gemengde metode benadering te gebruik, die! het twee stadiums gehad: (1) kwantitatiewe (meningsopname) en (2) kwalitatiewe (onderhoude). Die kwantitatiewe resultate van die meningsopname was gebaseer op 342 respondente, wat ‘n 17% responskoers gee. Die data van die meningsopname was ontleed en op gevolg met 4 onderhoude om beter insig en perspektief van die!meningsopname resultate te kry. Die belangrikste bydra van die studie is die empiriese ondersoek in die verhouding tussen die beste praktyke van portefeulje projek bestuur en hul sukses. Hierdie studie skep ‘n sterk platform waarop toekomstige studies, in die veld van portefeulje projek bestuur, gebaseer kan!word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Project Portfolio Management, Project Management, Organizational change, Tools and Frameworks, Business planning, UCTD