Sensorless control of an ironless permanent magnet synchronous machine with automatic machine modelling

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project investigates the sensorless control of a new generation ironless non-salient pole permanent-magnet synchronous machine (IDRFPMSM) for wind-turbine genera- tor and electric-vehicle applications. Due to the nature of the ironless non-salient pole permanent-magnet synchronous machine, BEMF sensorless rotor position estimation techniques is mandatory. BEMF position-estimation techniques cannot be used at ro- tor standstill and low rotational speeds. In applications where e ciency is critical at low speed, a magnetic stray- eld position sensor was implemented to provide the rotor posi- tion below the minimum estimator speed, by measuring the magnetic stray- elds behind the Halbach permanent-magnet array. To provide the sensorless position estimator and the control system with accurate machine parameters, an open-loop parameter estimation technique is introduced for estimating all ve machine parameters at system power-on. This is augmented during closed-loop operation by updating the parameters with an on- line parameter estimator. A demonstrator was built to show that the combination of all of the closed-loop elements can be integrated with the IDRFPMSM machine. The results also show that the IDRFPMSM can be used in both sensorless generator and sensorless motor applications.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie projek ondersoek die sensorlose beheer van 'n nuwe geslag ysterlose permanentemagneet- sinchroonmasjien met 'n ongesplete pool vir gebruik by windopwekkers en elektriese voer- tuie. As gevolg van die eienskappe van hierdie ysterlose ongespletepoolmasjien kan net tru-EMK-metodes gebruik word om die rotorposisie sensorloos te bepaal. Hierdie tru- EMK-metodes kan nie die rotorposisie by rotorstilstand en lae rotasiespoed akkuraat afskat nie. By toepassings waar e ektiwiteit by lae spoed baie belangrik is, is 'n rotorpo- sisiesensor by lae spoed gebruik wat die rotorposisie afskat deur die magnetiese spreivelde agter die Halbach- permanentemagneetstruktuur te ontleed. Die beheerstelsel en die posi- sieafskatter vereis akkurate stelselparameters. 'n Ooplusparameteridenti kasiealgoritme is gebruik om al vyf stelselparameters af te skat sodra die stelsel aangeskakel word. 'n Geslotelusparameterafskatter verfyn dan die parameters verder. 'n Demonstrasiemodel is ontwikkel om die gesloteluskombinasie van al die elemente te demonstreer. Die gedoku- menteerde resultate bewys dat hierdie masjien saam met die stelselelemente in sensorlose motor sowel as opwekkertoepassings gebruik kan word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
UCTD, Permanent magnets -- Sensors, Synchronization, Rotational motion