Institutionalisation of monitoring and evaluation systems in the public service: a case study of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Public service delivery and project performance need sustainable monitoring to inform policy makers and beneficiaries of progress. This research study is motivated by a need for improved service delivery in the South African public service. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems are important mechanisms to assess service delivery programme implementation. An in-depth study was undertaken, to assess institutionalisation of M&E system within the WCED. Government M & E systems’ institutional requirements and arrangements were also studied and described as part of this study. The aim was to assess institutionalisation requirements for M & E systems within the public service using the WCED as a case study and to recommend an approach to improve the institutionalisation process. The literature review conducted focussed on theoretical, conceptual and legislative frameworks as well as policy and policy frameworks relevant to M & E. A qualitative design was chosen for this study. The qualitative research design employed a case study to collect data (Babbie & Mouton, 2001: 280). The unit of study was the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and a purposive sampling approach was chosen to target key informants from the M & E/Research unit of the WCED. Primary study data was sourced through a semi-structured research schedule/questionnaire. Content analysis of key M & E-relevant government documents was conducted to understand the case and study phenomena better. The research found that institutionalisation comprised many elements including value systems, human resources, governance, training, intergovernmental relations and capacity requirements. The study found that there was no formal M & E unit within WCED and that there was a lack of well-trained M &E practitioners. It was further noted that intergovernmental relations were functional between the DBE and WCED and that mutual focus areas like educational outcomes monitoring existed. Governance was also noted as an area of strength as respondents reported regular meetings with parents and SGBs in addition to the regular reports issued on the performance progress of programme implementation. Recommendations based on the findings were that the M & E Unit needed to be re-established and capacitated with skilled M & E officials. This unit should preferably report directly to the HoD who should take ownership of the M & E to ensure that the unit provides a transversal M & E function throughout the WCED. It was also recommended that all professionals working in the M & E area such as at schools, circuit and district levels should be trained in M & E. It was further recommended that improved intergovernmental relations and professional partnerships should be established to collaborate in alleviating the current shortage of M &E human resources and skills. The study concluded that although the process followed in establishing the WCED M & E system was not clear, strong incentives and support existed for a future M & E system and for the successful institutionalisation of an M & E system within the WCED.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Openbare dienslewering en projekprestasie moet op ’n volhoubare wyse gemonitor word om beleidmakers en begunstigdes van vooruitgang in te lig. Hierdie navorsingstudie is gemotiveer vanuit ’n behoefte om dienslewering in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare diens te verbeter. Monitering en evalueringsisteme (M & E) is belangrike meganismes om die implementering van dienseweringsprogramme te assesseer. ’n Diepgaande studie is onderneem om die institusionalisering van M & E sisteme bine die WKOD te assesseer. Regerings M & E sisteme se institusionele vereistes en reelings is ook bestudeer en as deel van hierdie studie beskryf. Die doel was om die institusionaliseringsbehoeftes vir M & E sisteme binne die openbare diens te assesseer deur die WKOD as gevallestudie te gebruik en om ’n benadering tot die verbetering van die institusionaliseringsproses aan te beveel. Die literatuurstudie het gefokus op teoretiese, konseptuele en wetgewende raamwerke, sowel as beleid en beleidsraamwerke relevant tot M & E. ’n Kwalitatiewe ontwerp is vir die studie gekies. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik ’n gevallestudie om data in te samel (Babbie & Mouton, 2001: 280). Die studie-eenheid was die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) en ’n doelgerigte steekproefbenadering is gekies om kerninligting by informante aangaande die M & E navorsingseenheid by die WKOD te bekom. Primere studiedata is deur middel van ’n semi gestruktureerde vraelys ingesamel. Inhoudsanalise van kern M & E regeringsdokumente is uitgevoer om die geval en die studie verskynsel beter te verstaan. Die navorsing het gevind dat die institusionalisering uit baie elemente bestaan, insluitend waardesisteme, menslike hulpbronne, bestuur, opleiding, tussen-regeringsverhoudinge en kapasiteitsvereistes. Die studie het gevind dat daar geen formele M & E eenheid bine die WKOD bestaan nie en dat daar ’n gebrek aan opgeleide M & E praktisyne was. Daar is opgemerk dat tussen-regeringsverhoudinge funksioneel was tussen die DBO en die WKOD end at oorvleulende fokusareas soos onderrigsuitkomste vir monitering bestaan het. Bestuur is ook gemerk as ’n sterk punt aangesien deelnemers gereelde vergaderings tussen ouers en Skool Beheerliggame gerapporteer het, sowel as gereelde verslaggewing van die vordering van programimplementeringsprestasie. Aanbevelings is gebasseer op die volgende bevindinge: Dat die M & E Eenheid weer hervestig word met opgeleide M & E amptenare. Hierdie eenheid moet verkieslik direk aan die HvD verslag doen wat eienaarskap van M & E moet neem om te verseker dat die eenheid ’n transversal M & E funksie binne die WKOD vervul. Verder word aanbeveel dat alle professionele persone wat in M & E werksaam is soos skole, kringe en distriksvlakke, in M & E opgelei word. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat inter-regeringsverhoudinge verbeter word en dat professionele vennootskappe besluit word om saam te werk om die huidige tekort aan M & E menslike hulpbronne en vaardighede te verlig. Hierdie studie sluit af met die gedagte dat alhoewel die proses om die WKOD M & E sisteem te vestig, onduidelik was, sterk aansporings en ondersteuning bestaan vir ’n toekomstige M & E sisteem en vir die suksesvolle institusionalisering van M & E sisteme binne die WKOD.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Civil service -- Evaluation -- Western Cape (South Africa), Monitoring and evaluation systems, UCTD