Exploring the improvement of the decentralized supply chain management, its systems and processes in support of the strategic objectives of Parliament.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Procurement has been designed to redress some of the imbalances of the past; however, this policy instrument is being abused in some institutions around the country. This abuse has caught the eye of the Minister of Finance who, a few years ago, appointed a Chief Procurement Officer (CPO). This office of the CPO is within the National Treasury and it is tasked with ensuring that procurement, currently known as supply chain management (SCM), is properly managed. One of the causes of deficiency within the SCM environment is decentralisation. This is a method used by various institutions, including Parliament. Decentralisation means that every office is able to procure its own goods and services. This may result in procedures not being followed properly because the people who are trained in procurement or SCM reside in the SCM office. When procedures are not followed properly, this may result in awards of bids being made incorrectly, leading to irregular expenditure and possibly qualified audit opinions. The National Treasury has established a central database for all suppliers. This may curb some of the inconsistencies currently experienced; however, each institution still procures its own goods and services. In the case of Parliament, the database is not being used yet and with programmes in place that take Parliament to the rural areas, the central database may not be efficient. This study aims to give recommendations to ensure the SCM Section is able to support Parliament in meeting its strategic objectives. The study takes into consideration the unique status of Parliament as a People's Parliament and as such it needs to put people at the centre of its operations. This study also wishes to show that as much as the SCM environment is decentralised in Parliament with the necessary controls in place, there has been an improvement in ensuring that the SCM unit is able to play its strategic support role without compromise.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Verkryging is ontwikkel om die ongelykhede van die verlede aan te spreek. Huidiglik kan daar nie veel goeie dinge gese word oor hoe die metode misbruik is in sekere instellings dwarsoor die land nie. Die misbruik het die oog van die Minister van Finansies gevang wie so ‘n paar jaar gelede ‘n Hoof van Verkrygingsbestuur aangestel het. Die kantoor is binne die Nasionale Tesourie en is gemoed om te verseker dat verkryging, soos dit huidilik bekendstaan as Voorsienings bestuursketting (VBK) behoorlik bestuur word. Een van die grootste oorsake van tekortkomminge binne die VBS omgewing, is gedesentraliseer. Dit is die metode wat deur die meeste instellings gebruik word, insluitend Parlement. Desentralisasie beteken dat elke kantoor verantwoordelik is om sy eie goedere en dienste aan te koop. Dit mag lei tot inkorrek prosedures wat gevolg word, want die persone wie opgelei is om goedere aan te koop, is in die VBS kantoor gesetel. Wanneer die prosedure nie reg nagekom word nie, mag dit lei tot verkeerde tender toekennings. Dit mag lei tot ongereguleerde uitgawes. Dit mag ook lei tot gekwalifiseerde oudit menings. Die Nasionale Tesourie het ‘n sentrale databasis vir alle voorsieners van goedere. Dit mag in ‘n mate die ongelykhede wat huidiglik ondervind word verhoed, maar instellings verkry nog steeds hul eie goedere en dienste. In die geval van Parlement is die databasis nog nie in gebruik aangesien dit nie vir Programme soos die Neem die Parlement na die mense in plaaslike areas on-effektief en endoeltreffend mag wees. Die aanbevelings wat in die studie gemaak word is om te verseker dat die VBK afdeling by magte is om die Parlement te ondersteun om hul strategiese doelwitte vir elke Parlement te bereik. Die studie het die unieke status van Parlement in aggeneem deurdat dit ‘n Parlement vir die mense is en so moet dit die mense in die middle van sy funksies plaas. Die studie wil ook bewys dat, alhoewel die VBK omgewing gedesentraliseer is, daar kontrole in plek is wat die vooruitgang van die VBK eenheid verseker om sodoende sy strategies ondersteunings rol vervul sonder kompromie.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
South Africa. Parliament (1994-) -- Procurement, Decentralization in government -- South Africa, Parliamentary practice -- South Africa, UCTD