Effect of gastro-intestinal conditions on the growth of Enterococcus mundtii ST4SA, and production of bacteriocin ST4SA recorded by real-time PCR

Granger M.
van Reenen C.A.
Dicks L.M.T.
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Enterococcus mundtii ST4SA, isolated from soybeans, produces a 3950 Da bacteriocin (bacST4SA) active against a variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including human pathogens. In this study, the effect of gastro-intestinal conditions on the survival of strain ST4SA and production of bacST4SA was studied. Strain ST4SA was cultured in MRS broth at different pH and in MRS broth supplemented with bile, pancreatic enzymes, and contents of the stomach and small intestine of pigs, respectively. After 12 and 24 h at 37 °C, cells were harvested, RNA isolated and cDNA prepared. Expression of the genes encoding bacST4SA, RecA, GroES and 23 S rRNA was studied by real-time PCR (RT-PCR). No significant up- or down-regulation of the genes were recorded, except when cells were grown in MRS at pH 3.5. In this case only RecA and GroES were up-regulated. Growth of strain ST4SA and production of bacST4SA are not affected by conditions in the lower intestine and the strain could be used as a probiotic. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
bacteriocin, article, bacterial growth, bacterial strain, bacterium isolate, cell growth, Enterococcus, enterococcus mundtii, gastrointestinal tract, gene, gene expression, groes gene, nonhuman, nucleotide sequence, pH, real time polymerase chain reaction, RecA gene, soybean, Bacteriocins, Culture Media, Enterococcus, Food Microbiology, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Soybeans, Temperature, Time Factors, Enterococcus mundtii, Glycine max, Negibacteria, Posibacteria, Suidae
International Journal of Food Microbiology