Drawn too extreme : an examination of the satire and the representations of the other in the works of Kurt Westergaard and Zapiro

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using as a starting point Voltaire’s statement “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, coupled with an emphasis on the contrary standpoint that a little censorship and regulation of expression is unavoidable, this thesis seeks to examine the state of global democracy and its freedom of expression. Through the contextualisation and analysis of Kurt Westergaard and Zapiro’s editorial cartoons, the thesis seeks to discuss some of the issues raised in connection with these texts. It contends that the media driven “Clash of Civilisations” informs not only the role of the editorial cartoonist in the 21st century, but is a gauge of the world-wide geopolitical climate. This thesis aims to provide an in-depth examination of how and why these two cartoon crises came to be catalysts in a discussion of integration and transformation of cultures. By studying the genre of editorial cartooning, and drawing on the contrasting ideas of Samuel Huntington and Edward Said, the thesis attempts an analysis of the discourses and binary oppositions that have been the reactions to the cartoon crises involving the works of Kurt Westergaard and Zapiro. Ultimately the thesis challenges the binary oppositions of the “West” and the “Rest” and argues that, whilst editorial cartooning can play an important part in a radical democratic society, integration and transformation must work through respectful inclusion into multicultural societies.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik as 'n beginpunt Voltaire se motto "Ek afkeur van wat jy sê, maar ek sal verdedig tot die dood jou reg om dit te sê," en met die klem op die standpunt dat 'n bietjie sensuur en regulering van uitdrukking is onvermydelik, hierdie tesis poog om ondersoek na die stand van die globale demokrasie en die vryheid van uitdrukking. Deur die kontekstualisering en ontleding van Kurt Westergaard en redaksionele spotprente Zapiro se, die tesis poog om 'n paar van die kwessies wat in verband met hierdie tekste te bespreek. Dit beweer dat die media-gedrewe "Clash of Civilisations" lig nie net die rol van die redaksionele spotprenttekenaar in die 21ste eeu, maar is 'n meter van die wêreld-wye geopolitieke klimaat. Hierdie tesis het ten doel om 'n in-diepte ondersoek op soek na antwoorde oor hoe en hoekom hierdie twee cartoon krisis het gekom om katalisator in 'n bespreking van integrasie en transformasie van kulture te voorsien. Deur die bestudering van die genre van redaksionele spotprente, en teken op die idees van Huntington en Said, die proefskrif poog 'n ontleding van die diskoerse en binêre opposisies wat die reaksies gewees het om die spotprent krisisse wat die werke van Kurt Westergaard en Zapiro. Uiteindelik is die tesis uitdagings wat die binêre opposisies van die "Weste" en die "Rus" en beweer dat, terwyl redaksionele spotprente 'n belangrike rol kan speel in 'n radikale demokratiese samelewing, integrasie en transformasie moet bereik word deur respek insluiting in multikulturele gemeenskappe.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Westergaard, Kurt, 1935 -- Criticism and interpretation, Zapiro -- Criticism and interpretation, Cartoonists, Censorship -- Satire, Freedom of expression, UCTD