An investigation into environmental coopetition in the South African wine industry

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Environmental problems can often not be solved in isolation and need to be solved in a cooperative manner, sometimes even by collaborating with competitors. The coopetition body of literature would be ideal to address this need, but this body of literature has, historically, considered only a relatively narrow interpretation of what value is created and to whom such value is appropriated. Furthermore, multiple authors in the coopetition field have noted the need for research dealing with the dynamics of value creation and appropriation. This dissertation addresses the need for understanding the dynamics of value in an expanded view of value creation and appropriation. It does so by introducing stakeholder theory into the coopetition field to create a typology of value creation and appropriation, referred to as the Coopetition Value Matrix (CVM). The CVM serves as both a diagnostic tool and an instrument to better articulate and understand value creation, value appropriation, and the interaction of different types of value. The dissertation applied the CVM to ten cases of environmental coopetition in the wine industry. Environmental coopetition can be defined as actions of competitors to cooperate to reduce environmental impact and/or create environmental value. The methodology was based on qualitative interviews with partners and stakeholders in the cases of environmental coopetition. Applying the CVM to the cases led to some interesting observations, including the identification of three generic dynamics in the creation and appropriation of value. The dissertation represents an extension and refinement of some elements of coopetition literature, while it also introduces new theory in other aspects. Even though the ten cases in the study were from the wine industry, the findings are of much broader implication. Ultimately, the study calls for a broadening of the understanding of how value is created in coopetition and how it may be appropriated. The findings should therefore be of interest to a much broader group of researchers than those who are only interested in solving environmental problems.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Omgewingsprobleme kan selde in isolasie opgelos word en kan gewoonlik net opgelos word op ‘n samewerkende wyse, partymaal selfs deur met mededingers saam te werk. Die samedinging (coopetition) literatuur sou ideaal wees om hierdie behoefte aan te spreek, maar hierdie literatuur het histories slegs ‘n eng interpretasie gehandhaaf van watter waarde geskep word, en aan wie hierdie waarde toegedeel word. Verder het verskeie skrywers in die samedinging-veld reeds die behoefte uitgewys vir navorsing wat handel oor die dinamika van waardeskepping en waardetoedeling. Hierdie verhandeling fokus op die behoefte om die dinamika van waarde te begryp binne ‘n uitgebreide siening van waardeskepping en -toedeling. Die verhandeling doen dit deur belangehouer-teorie te betrek in die veld van samedinging om sodoende uit te kom by ‘n tipologie van waardeskepping en toedeling, waarna verwys word as die Samedinging Waarde Matriks (Coopetition Value Matrix of CVM). Die CVM dien as beide ‘n diagnostiese instrument en ‘n instrument om waardeskepping en waardetoedeling, asook die interaksie tussen verskillende tipes waarde, beter te artikuleer. In die verhandeling word die CVM toegepas op tien gevalle van omgewing-samedinging in die wynbedryf. Omgewing-samedinging kan gedefinieer word as die optrede van mededingers deur saam te werk om omgewingsimpak te verminder en/of omgewingswaarde te skep. Die metodologie was gebaseer op kwalitatiewe onderhoude met vennote en belanghebbendes in die gevallestudies van omgewing-samedinging. Die toepassing van die CVM op die gevallestudies het gelei tot 'n paar interessante waarnemings, insluitend die identifisering van drie generiese dinamika in die skepping en toedeling van waarde. Die verhandeling verteenwoordig 'n uitbreiding en verfyning van sommige elemente van die samedinging literatuur, terwyl dit ook nuwe teorie voorstel in ander opsigte. Alhoewel die tien gevallestudies uit die wynindustrie kom, het die bevindinge van die studie veel groter implikasie. Uiteindelik is die studie ‘n oproep tot die verbreding van begrip oor hoe waarde geskep word wanneer samedinging plaasvind en hoe die waarde toegedeel word. Die bevindinge behoort dus van belang te wees vir 'n veel wyer groep navorsers as diegene wat slegs belangstel in die oplossing van omgewingsprobleme.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Coopetition, environmental coopetition, socio-environmental value, Coopetition Value Matrix, UCTD