Creating Public Value through innovation (E-government) and improvement: Case study of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Alice Office, Eastern Cape.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Delivery mechanisms or payment systems are a critical element of social-transfer programmes because they absorb a high proportion of administrative burdens and operations. The goal of a payment system is to successfully distribute the correct amount of benefits, to the right people, at the right time. The study adopted Moore & Khagram’s strategic triangle for use of the public value concept in relation to e-government. Introducing e-government not only as a tool to display services online but also as a mechanism enabling the government to create public value to its citizens. The South African Social Security Agency, Alice local office contributed to this research, their participation helped to analyse and understand more of the newly introduced South African Social Security Agency Biometric Payment System. Interviews and questionnaires were used to gather information from the public and the staff at Alice office. The research findings imply that e-government solutions create public value, and innovations such as the South African Social Security Agency Biometric payment system offer many advantages and gains to both the public as taxpayers, overseers, beneficiaries and to South African Social Security Agency as an Institution. The research concluded that using e-government, which eliminates the physical presence of officers, the queues, and paperwork, which thus create public value, could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of services. The research would however; recommend for more improvements into the new payment system such as the security measures that can curb unauthorized deductions. Key words: e-governance/e-government, service delivery, public value creation, ICT.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Leweringsmeganismes of betalende stelsels is 'n kritieke element van sosiale-oordrag programme omdat hulle 'n groot deel absorbeer van die administratiewe laste en bedryfskoste. Volgens die bogenoemde skrywer, is die doel van 'n betalende stelsel om suksesvol te versprei en die korrekte bedrag van die voordele aan die regte mense op die regte tyd. Die studie is aangeneem deur Moore & Khagram se (2004) strategiese driehoek vir die gebruik in die openbare waarde konsep in verhouding tot 'n e-regering. E-regering verwys nie net na die aanlyn vertoning dienste, maar ook om meganismes te skep sodat die regering om openbare waarde aan sy burgers kan gee. Suid-Afrikaanse Sosiale Sekuriteit Agenskap, Alice plaaslike kantoor het bygedra tot hierdie navorsing, hul deelname het gehelp om dit te ontleed en te verstaan om meer van die nuut ingevoerde Suid-Afrikaanse Sosiale Sekuriteit Agentskap biometriese betaalstelsel. Onderhoude en vraelyste is gebruik om inligting van die publiek en die personeel by Alice kantoor in te samel. Die navorsing impliseer dat IKT / e-regering oplossings, openbare waarde en innovasies te skep soos die Suid-Afrikaanse Sosiale Sekuriteit Agenskap. Biometriese betaling stelsel bied baie voordele en winste vir beide die openbare publiek as belastingbetalers, opsigters, begunstigdes en Suid-Afrikaanse Sosiale Sekuriteit Agenskap as 'n instelling. Die navorsing bevind dat die doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit van dienste verhoog kan word deur die gebruik van e-regering, wat die fisiese teenwoordigheid van beamptes, die rye en papierwerk, wat dus openbare waarde te skep elimineer. Die navorsing sal egter aanbeveel word vir meer verbeterings in die nuwe betaling stelsel. Sleutel woorde: e-staatsbestuur / e-regering, dienslewering, Openbare waarde te skep.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
e-government, South African Social Security Agency, South African Social Security Agency Biometric Payment System, Social security – Administration, UCTD