Bidirectional asynchronous generator and battery interface circuit

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In some instances additional power is required to support an electrical load on board an aircraft. A ram air turbine (RAT) generator can be used to supply the necessary power in conjunction with a storage unit such as a battery or supercapacitors. The RAT is driven by the airflow surrounding the sub-sonic aircraft and acts as the main power supply. The storage unit is charged when the RAT is supplying excess power or when the load is disconnected. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a prototype circuit that demonstrates the interface between a generator and a battery of electrochemical cells to an electrical load. To simulate the airflow through the turbine an asynchronous machine is employed to turn the shaft of an asynchronous generator. The prototype circuit is designed such that the battery is connected to a dc bus through a bidirectional dc-dc converter and the asynchronous machine interfaces with the dc bus through a bidirectional inverter. The load is connected between the positive and negative dc bus rails. The dc-dc converter circuit functions to regulate the dc bus voltage by utilising a double control loop strategy with an inner and outer control loop. The inverter functions as a synchronous rectifier and the power delivered to the dc bus from the generator is controlled as a function of the converter's battery voltage. The simulated and measured test results of the complete system are compared and presented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In sommige gevalle benodig vliegtuie addisionele krag om 'n elektriese las van krag te voorsien. 'n Klein lugaangedrewe turbine kan gebruik word om die addisionele krag te voorsien in samewerking met 'n stooreenheid soos 'n battery of superkapasitor. Die stooreenheid word herlaai wanneer die lugaangedrewe turbine oortollige krag lewer aan die stelsel of wanneer die las ontkoppel word. Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwerp en implementering van 'n prototipe stroombaan wat die werking tussen 'n generator en battery demonstreer. 'n Asinkroon motor word gebruik om die lugvloei deur die turbine te simuleer en die dryfas van die asinkroon generator aan te dryf. Die battery word gekoppel aan 'n gs bus deur middel van 'n bidireksionele gs-gs omsetter en die generator word gekoppel aan die gs bus deur middel van 'n bidireksionele ws-gs omsetter. Die las word gekoppel tussen die positiewe en negatiewe gs bus lyne. Die gs-gs omsetter funksioneer om die gs busspanning te reguleer deur middel van 'n dubbelle beheerlus strategie wat bestaan uit 'n binneste en buitenste beheerlus. Die ws-gs omsetter funksioneer as 'n sinkroon gelykrigter waar die krag wat aan die gs bus gelewer word, beheer word as 'n funskie van die gs-gs omsetter se battery spanning. Die gesimuleerde en gemete resultate vir die volledige stelsel word vergelyk en voorgelê.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Electric power, Wind turbines -- Electric generators, Supercapacitors, UCTD