Human resource development in local government: a management perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Municipalities are the sphere of government that is the closest to communities. The rapid transformation of municipalities has placed renewed emphasis on the employees in municipalities to be capacitated with the required competencies to meet the ever-increasing demands of citizens. This by implication means that human resources should be managed well, but many municipalities have a poor human resource development record. Human resource development is a fundamental component of human resource management. The effective management of human resource development activities and processes within municipalities has the potential to ensure that the municipalities continue to deliver services to their communities in an efficient and effective way. The research was approached from multiple angles. A municipal case study (qualitative) of the management of human resource development in the Netherlands was conducted. This was followed by an evaluation (quantitative) of the Saldanha Bay and Drakenstein Municipalities. Drawing on the different findings and the lessons learnt, it was concluded that human resources development should be managed in an integrated management way, with the collaboration of the organizational actors (human resource department, line managers and employees) and with appropriate external support. An Integrated Management Framework for Human Resource Development is dependent on the Municipality having in place human resource development policies that support the strategic objectives of the Municipality, and on the implementation of the policies through considering formal and informal development options. This in turn is dependent on how the HRD function is organized through the delegation of the HRD functions to operational directorates and specifically line managers. In this framework the employees are not passive recipients, but have to participate actively in the process, thereby entrenching internal democracy. At the centre of the Integrated Management Framework for Human Resource Development is a set of ethical values. A fundamental assumption of the IMF-HRD is that the organizational actors have the functional and collaborative competence to enable them to commit to achieving measurable HRD outcomes. These HRD outcomes lead to renewed organizational competence to deliver superior human resource development performance that results in a change in the overall management culture of human resource development in municipalities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Munisipaliteite is die sfeer van regering wat die naaste aan gemeenskappe staan. Die snelle transformasie van munisipaliteite het hernude druk op hulle werknemers geplaas om met die verlangde bevoegdhede toegerus te wees om te kan voldoen aan die steeds toenemende eise van inwoners. By implikasie beteken dit dat menslike hulpbronne deeglik bestuur moet word, maar talle munisipaliteite se rekord wat betref die bestuur van menslike hulpbronontwikkeling laat veel te wense na. Menslike hulpbronontwikkeling is ‘n fundamentele onderdeel van menslike hulpbronbestuur. Doeltreffende bestuur van bedrywighede en prosesse rakende menslike hulpbronne binne munisipaliteite bied die potensiaal wat verseker dat munisipaliteite voortgaan om op bekwame en doeltreffende wyse dienste aan hulle gemeenskappe te lewer. Hierdie betrokke navorsing is uit veelvuldige hoeke benader. ‘n Munisipale gevallestudie (kwalitatief) van die bestuur van menslike hulpbronontwikkeling in Nederland is onderneem. Daarna is ‘n evaluering (kwantitatief) gedoen van die munisipaliteite van Saldanhabaai en Drakenstein. Uit die verskillende bevindinge en lesse wat geleer is, is tot die slotsom gekom dat menslike hulpbronontwikkeling op ‘n geintegreerde bestuurswyse bestuur behoort te word – met die samewerking van die organisatoriese rolspelers (departmente van menslike hulpbronne, lynbestuurders en werknemers), asook met toepaslike eksterne ondersteuning. ‘n Geintegreerde Bestuursraamwerk vir Menslike Hulpbronontwikkeling (MHO) berus daarop dat die betrokke munisipaliteit menslike hulpbronontwikkelingsbeleide in plek het wat die strategiese doelwitte van die munisipaliteit ondersteun en ook op die implementering van vermelde beleide deur oorweging van formele en informele ontwikkelingsopsies. Die is op sy beurt afhanklik van die mate waartoe die MHO- funksies deur delegering aan die operasionele direktorate, en spesifiek lynbestuurders, georganiseer word. Binne hierdie raamwerk is die werknemers nie passiewe ontvangers nie, maar moet aktief aan die proses deel he en sodoende interne demokrasie verskans. Midde die Geintegreerde Bestuursraamwerk (GBR) vir Menslike Hulpbronontwikkeling is daar ‘n stel etiese waardes. ‘n Fundamentele aanname van die GBR-MHO is dat die organisatoriese rolspelers oor die funksionele en samewerkingsbevoegdheid beskik om daartoe in staat te wees om hulle te verbind tot die bereiking van meetbare MHO-uitkomstes. Die MHO- uitkomstes gee aanleiding tot hernude organisatoriese bevoegdheid wat hoogstaande menslike hulpbronontwikkelingprestasie meebring en gevolglik aanleiding gee tot ‘n verandering in die algehele bestuurskultuur van menslike hulpbronontwikkeling binne munisipaliteite.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Municipal government, Personnel management, Manpower planning, Organizational change, Saldanha Bay (South Africa), Drakenstein, Western Cape (South Africa), UCTD