A typology of counterinsurgency approaches towards ISIS-Allegiant insurgency groups: variations between the Western States and The Global South

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study of counterinsurgency (COIN) is dominated by the experiences of Western states. While there is value in learning about the COIN practices of such states, the COIN strategies employed by these states are not always applicable to states in the Global South. This incompatibility has led to the development of different approaches to COIN. These variations in COIN approaches occur even when states face a similar kind of insurgency threat. One of the most serious types of insurgency threats facing states today is jihadism. While jihadist insurgencies are not new, jihadist insurgent groups have proliferated since the 9/11 attacks and the Global War on Terror (GWOT) that ensued. The most prominent of these groups is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Although ISIS has lost nearly all its territory since its peak years of 2014 – 2017, the group continues to maintain influence over other jihadist groups (Ohlers, 2017). Consequently, many of these smaller groups have since pledged allegiance to ISIS and declared themselves ISIS governorates. For eight consecutive years, ISIS and its affiliates have caused more terrorism related deaths than any other non-state group (IEP, 2022). This study asks the question ‘Why do states take different COIN approaches to ISIS-allegiant insurgency threats?’ In pursuit of an answer, a multiple case study design is used to compare the COIN approaches of the United Kingdom (UK), France, the United States of America (U.S.), Pakistan, Nigeria, and Mozambique. In each case, an analysis of five analytical variables is presented: the state’s history of violent opposition, the nature of violent extremism it faces, the type of government it has as well as of the strength of its regional ties and the influence of prominent international COIN actors. The differences and similarities of these variables across the six states chosen are then categorised and tabulated, resulting in an explanatory typology. This typology uses the research findings to explain why, based on the five analytical variables, states choose different COIN approaches. This study has three aims. First, the study seeks to address the lack of COIN literature on states in the Global South. Second, the study seeks to explain why states make use of different COIN approaches despite facing a similar threat. Third, the study seeks to create an explanatory typology that can be used to other states against the same variable to test its validity. The findings in this study determine that Western states utilise traditional COIN approaches while those in the Global South have forged their own kind of COIN warfare. While the U.S., UK, and France adhere to what this study terms a ‘Colonial/Imperial COIN Model,’ Pakistan and Nigeria make use of a ‘Bargaining Model,’ and Mozambique makes use of an ‘Authoritarian Model.’ Each of these categories is determined by shared similarities within the five analytical variables.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie van teeninsurgensie (TEIN) word oorheers deur die ervarings van state in die Globale Noorde. Alhoewel dit nuttig is om te leer oor die TEIN-praktyke van sulke state, is die TEIN-strategieë wat deur hierdie state aangewend word, nie altyd van toepassing op state in die Globale Suide nie. Hierdie onversoenbaarheid het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van verskillende benaderings tot TEIN. Hierdie variasies in TEIN-benaderings kom voor selfs wanneer state ’n soortgelyke soort insurgensie-bedreiging in die gesig staar. Jihadisme is een van die ernstigste soorte insurgensie-bedreigings waarmee state tans te kampe het. Alhoewel jihadistiese opstande nie nuut is nie, het jihadistiese opstandige groepe versprei sedert die 9/11-aanvalle en die “oorlog teen terreur” (–ook bekend as die Global War on Terror). Die Islamitiese Staat van Irak en Sirië (ISIS) is die mees prominent van hierdie groepe. Alhoewel ISIS byna al sy grondgebied verloor het sedert sy piekjare van 2014 – 2017, behou die groep steeds invloed oor ander jihadistiese groepe (Ohlers, 2017). As gevolg hiervan het baie van hierdie kleiner groepe sedertdien hul lojaliteit aan ISIS verklaar en hulself as ISIS goewernerate verklaar. ISIS en sy affiliasies het vir agt opeenvolgende jare meer terrorismeverwante sterftes veroorsaak as enige ander nie-staatsgroep (IEP, 2023). In hierdie studie word die vraag ondersoek: “Waarom neem state verskillende TEINbenaderings tot ISIS-getroue insurgensie-bedreigings?” In ’n poging om hierdie vraag te beantwoord, word die TEIN-benaderings van die Verenigde Koninkryk (VK), Frankryk, die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA), Pakistan, Nigerië en Mosambiek vergelyk met behulp van ’n veelvuldige gevallestudie-ontwerp. ’n Ontleding van vyf analitiese veranderlikes word in elke geval aangebied: die staat se geskiedenis van gewelddadige opposisie, die aard van gewelddadige ekstremisme wat dit in die gesig staar, die tipe regering wat dit het asook die sterkte van sy streeksbande en die invloed van prominente internasionale TEIN-akteurs. Die verskille en ooreenkomste van hierdie veranderlikes regoor die ses state wat gekies is, word dan gekategoriseer en getabuleer, wat lei tot ’n verklarende tipologie. Hierdie studie het drie doelwitte. Eerstens poog die studie om die gebrek aan TEIN-literatuur oor state in die Globale Suide aan te spreek. Tweedens poog die studie om te verduidelik waarom state verskillende TEIN-benaderings gebruik ten spyte daarvan dat hulle ’n soortgelyke bedreiging te kampe het. Derdens poog die studie om ’n verklarende tipologie te skep wat in staat sal wees om dieselfde veranderlike vir ander state te gebruik om die geldigheid daarvan te toets. Hierdie studie se bevindinge dui daarop dat state in die Globale Noorde tradisionele TEIN benaderings gebruik terwyl dié in die Globale Suide hul eie soort TEIN-oorlogvoering gesmee het. Terwyl die VSA, die VK en Frankryk voldoen aan wat hierdie studie ’n ‘Koloniale/Imperiale TEIN-model’ noem, gebruik beide Pakistan en Nigerië ’n ‘Bedingingsmodel’, en Mosambiek maak gebruik van ’n ‘Outoritêre-model’. Elk van hierdie kategorieë word gekenmerk deur gedeelde ooreenkomste binne die vyf analitiese veranderlikes.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.