The financial and managerial impact of including low-chill apples as an enterprise on a typical wine farm in selected areas

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The South African wine grape sector is significant to the country's economy. Many wine grape producers have expanded their operations to incorporate other long-term crops as an alternative source of revenue due to the difficulties that the industry has faced, particularly during the past 10 years. The wine grape farmers of the Robertson, Worcester, and Paarl regions have access to a wide range of crop options ideal for this diversification process. The main objective of this study is to test the inclusion of apples with a minimal cold unit demand (low-chill apples) as a diversification option for wine grape farmers. The lack of proof in the anticipated financial and management results of such a change as well as the potential cash flow impact are major stumbling blocks to implementation. Consequently, the study set out to determine the managerial and financial effects of incorporating low-chill apples into a typical wine grape farm. To address the primary research objective, three specific research goals were pursued: (i) determining the production needs for low-chill apples in the chosen areas; (ii) determining the financial effects of producing low-chill apples; and (iii) determining the financial implications of incorporating a low-chill apple enterprise at farm level for the chosen areas. Within the framework of the systems thinking methodology, a multi-year whole farm budget was developed. A farm system is complex and made up of many interconnected elements, making it challenging to understand the impact of changing any specific element. The systems thinking method can assist in the simplification of farm-level decision-making through the incorporation of the complexities involved in farming systems. Considering that farming systems are made up of interrelated components, a simulation model can include the interaction that occurs between different components. A model is a representation of a real system that models the socioeconomic, biological, and physical aspects of farming and examines the relationships between its various components. The main goal of this study's research is to determine the predicted managerial and financial effects of incorporating low-chill apples as an enterprise into a typical wine grape farm. For this goal, a budget model will be sufficient. The model predicts that the wine grape farms in the Robertson, Worcester, and Paarl districts stand to benefit financially from the diversification process. It is anticipated that infrastructure changes won't have a big cost impact. According to the findings, as the area planted with low-chill apples increases, the IRR rises. It also shows how the IRR is significantly improved by automating the harvesting process and reducing the cost of thinning for low-chill apples. This option was considered because low-chill apples would target the juice/cider market, where size and quality are less important. The IRR exhibits substantial sensitivity to changes in the Rand per tonne price and tonne per hectare of apples.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wyndruifbedryf in Suid-Afrika speel 'n belangrike rol in die nasionale ekonomie. Hierdie bedryf het onlangs baie uitdagings beleef wat produsente dwing om bykomende alternatiewe bronne van inkomste te vind. Dit impliseer egter nie dat die wynbedryf onvolhoubaar is nie. Weens die druk op die bedryf die afgelope tien jaar het 'n aantal wyndruifboere hul bedrywighede gediversifiseer om ander langtermyngewasse by hul produksie in te sluit. In Robertson, Worcester en die Paarl het wyndruifboere toegang tot 'n wye reeks gewasopsies wat ideaal is vir hierdie diversifikasieproses. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie, wat gemik is op die appelsap mark, is die insluiting van appels met 'n minimale koue aanvraag (lae kouebehoefte appels) op ‘n wyndruif plaas. Die gebrek aan bewyse van die impak van so verandering aan die verwagte finansiele en bestuursresultate, sowel as die potensiele verandering in kontantvloei, maak dit moeilik om die verandering te regverdig. Die hoofdoel van die studie is om die bestuurs- en finansiele uitwerking van die inkorporering van lae kouebehoefte appels in 'n tipiese wyndruifplaas te bepaal. Ten einde die primere navorsingsdoelwit aan te spreek, is drie spesifieke navorsingsdoelwitte nagestreef: (i) die bepaling van die produksiebehoeftes vir lae kouebehoefte appels in die gekose gebiede; (ii) die bepaling van die finansiele gevolge van die produksie van lae kouebehoefte appels; en (iii) die bepaling van die finansiele implikasies van die inkorporering van 'n lae kouebehoefte appelonderneming op plaasvlak vir die gekose gebiede. Binne die raamwerk van die sisteemdenkmetodologie is 'n meerjarige heelplaasbegroting ontwikkel. ’n Plaasstelsel is ingewikkeld en bestaan uit baie onderling verwante elemente, wat dit uitdagend maak om die inpak van ‘n verandering in een element te begryp. Die stelseldenkmetode kan help met die vereenvoudiging van plaasvlakbesluitneming scenario's en om 'n beter begrip te he van die kompleksiteite betrokke by boerderystelsels. 'n Simulasiemodel kan die interaksie tussen onderling verwante komponente van ‘n boerderystelses modelleer. ‘n Model se resultate is ‘n voorstelling 'n werklike stelsel wat die sosio-ekonomiese, biologiese en fisiese aspekte van boerdery modelleer en die verhoudingsverhoudings tussen die verskillende komponente daarvan ondersoek. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie se navorsing is om die voorspelde bestuurs- en finansiele uitwerking van die inkorporering van lae kouebehoefte appels as 'n onderneming in 'n tipiese wyndruifplaas te bepaal. Vir hierdie doelwit is 'n begrotingsmodel voldoende aangesien dit komplekse en gesofistikeerde bewerkings kan doen en terselfdetyd gebruikersvriendelike kenmerke insluit. Die wyndruifplase in die distrikte Robertson, Worcester en Paarl sal finansieel voordeel trek uit die diversifikasieproses. Daar word verwag dat veranderinge in infrastruktuur nie 'n groot koste-impak sal he nie. Volgens die bevindings styg die IRR namate die oppervlakte beplant met lae kouebehoefte appels vermeerder. Dit wys ook hoe die IRR aansienlik verbeter word deur die oesproses te outomatiseer en die koste van uitdunning vir lae kouebehoefte appels te verminder. Hierdie opsie is oorweeg omdat lae kouebehoefte appels die sapmark sal teiken, waar grootte en kwaliteit minder belangrik is. Die IRR toon ‘n beduidende sensitiwiteit vir veranderinge in die Rand prys per ton en ton per hektaar appels.
Thesis (MAgric) --Stellenbosch University, 2023.