Applying the 7-C Protocol to assess the implementation of immigration policies in the Department of Home Affairs : a case study

dc.contributor.advisorDe Coning, Christoen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSkhosana, Joseph Sannaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The aim of this research is to assess the implementation of immigration policies by applying the 7-C Protocol in the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) Immigration Services. The DHA ismandated with the responsibility to implement immigration policies. However, immigration policies have limitations that affect the country’s ability to adequately embrace global opportunities while maintaining public safety and national security. Immigration policies are aimed at assisting the government in knowing who is in the country and why, and their effective implementation is critical in a globalised world characterised by, for example, rapid movements of people, goods and epidemics. This research included a literature review based on public policies but, more specifically, on their implementation. The literature review revealed the complexities of policy implementation and how ignoring the variables of the 7-C Protocol, namely Content, Context, Commitment, Capacity, Clients/Coalitions, Communication and Coordination, could lead to the failure of policy implementation. The literature review also showed that policy implementation does not exist in isolation. This research gives an overview of the South African legislative framework, which guides and informs immigration policies. In this research, the focus is on the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996), the Immigration Act (2002) and the Refugees Act (1998). The research provides the background to the evolution of immigration policies, with various amendments effected in South African immigration legislation post 1994. Moreover, the research highlights the challenges and complexities of implementing immigration policies, including resource constraints, administrative capacity and coordination problems. The research was both empirical and non-empirical, and non-probability purposive sampling was utilised to select participants from the following Immigration Directorates: Permits, Inspectorate, the Refugees Reception Office and Policy Development. Interviews and a questionnaire was used to collect raw data that were analysed. The findings revealed a lack of administrative capacity; inadequate political and managerial support; poor relations with clients/coalitions; and ineffective intra-organisational communication. Recommendations were made on how to improve better policy implementation by applying the 7-C Protocol instrument and for further research in immigration policies.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die navorsing assesseer die implementering van die immigrasiebeleid deur die toepassing van die 7-C Protokol in die Departement van Binnelandse Sake (DBS) Immigrasie Dienste. Die DBS is daartoe verbind om die immigrasie beleid te implementeer. Die immigrasie beleid het egter beperkinge wat die land se vermoё om globale geleenthede behoorlik aan te gryp terwyl die openbare veiligheid en nationale veiligheid behou word, beїnvloed. Die immigrasiebeleid is daarop gemik om die regering te help om te bepaal wie in die land is en hoekom. Die effektiewe implementering van die beleid is krities in ‘n geglobaliseerde wêreld wat gekenmerk word deur byvoorbeeld vinnige beweging van mense, goedere en epidemies. Hierdie navorsing bevat ‘n literatuuroorsig gebaseer op openbare beleid, maar meer spesifiek op die implementering daarvan. Die kompleksiteit van beleidsimplementering word in die literatuuroorsig getoon asook die gevolg wanneer die veranderlikes van die 7-C Protokol naamlik inhoud, konteks, toewyding, kapasiteit, kliente of koalisie en vennote geїgnoreer word. Kommunikasie en koordinering in ‘n organisasie kan lei tot die mislukking van beleidsimplementering aangesien die literatuuroorsig ook getoon het dat beleidsimplentering nie in isolasie plaasvind. Hierdie studie gee ‘n oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewende raamwerk wat die immigrasie beleid inlig en stuur. In hierdie navorsing is die fokus op die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (1996), die Immigrasie Wet (Wet No. 13 van 2002), die Wet op Vlugtelinge, 1998 (Wet No. 130 van 1998). Die navorsing verskaf die agtergrond vir die evolusie van die immigrasiebeleid met verskeie wysigings wat gemaak word in Suid-Afrikaanse immigrasiewetgewing na 1994. Verder beklemtoon die navorsing die uitdagings en kompleksiteit van implementering in die aanspreek van beleide, insluitend hulpbronbeperking, administratiewe kapasiteit en koördineringsprobleme. Die navorsing was beide emperies en nie-emperies, en nie-waarskynlikheid doelbewuste steekproefneming is aangewend om deelnemers uit die volgende Immigrasie Direktoraat: Permitte, Inspektoraat, die Vlugtelingskantoor en Beleidsontwikkeling. Onderhoude en ‘n vraelys is gebruik om alle data wat geanaliseer is, te versamel. Die bevindings deer ‘n gebrek aan administratiewe kapasiteit; onvoldoende politieke en bestuursondersteuning; swak verhoudings met kliёnte en koalisie vennote en ondoeltreffende intra-organisatoriese kommunikasie aan. Aanbevelings is gemaak oor hoe om beleidsimplementering te verbeter deur die 7-C Protokol instrument toe te pas.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 146 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEmigration and immigration -- Government policy -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEmigration and immigration -- Government policy -- Case studiesen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa. Department of Home Affairsen_ZA
dc.titleApplying the 7-C Protocol to assess the implementation of immigration policies in the Department of Home Affairs : a case studyen_ZA
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