The application of the lipopeptide Surfactin in heavy metal extraction from mine wastewater

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Heavy metals (HMs) are a common contaminant present in wastewater generated by mining operations. HMs can be toxic and carcinogenic, and do not naturally degrade. They, therefore, tend to accumulate in environments where they are discharged. Conventional HM separation processes can be effective, however several drawbacks including poor selectivity, high process costs, or generation of secondary pollutants can limit their efficacy in industry. Surfactin is a lipopeptide biosurfactant which shows great promise for application in HM separation processes. Surfactin is capable of coordinating HM cations into stable complexes, and the mechanism of cation coordination is hypothesized to render the complex insoluble in aqueous solutions. These properties, in tandem with the environmentally benign nature of biosurfactants, makes surfactin an attractive alternative to synthetic reagents using in conventional separation processes. The aim of this dissertation is to determine which HM extraction methods can successfully utilise surfactin to extract HMs from aqueous solution and investigate the efficacy of these processes. Based on the hypothesis that surfactin forms insoluble complexes with HM ions, a chelating precipitation process was identified as one potential mode of HM extraction. The ability of surfactin to bind HMs into a hydrophobic complex also suggests that it may be functional as a collector in an ion flotation process. To test the potential of these processes, single ion copper, nickel, and cobalt solutions were used simple model contaminated wastewaters. The ability of surfactin to coordinate and precipitate the metal ions was first confirmed by mixing equimolar concentrations of surfactin with each respective copper, nickel, and cobalt solution. The precipitates that spontaneously formed were dried and analysed by FTIR spectroscopy to determine the binding sites which coordinated the HM ions. It was found that the carboxylate groups and the amide groups present in the hydrophilic cyclic heptapeptide moiety were both capable of coordination, and coordination of the HMs at these sites would decrease aqueous solubility of the complex. The extent of precipitation of copper, nickel, and cobalt by surfactin was then quantified to determine the efficacy of the precipitation process with surfactin as a precipitant. Up to 84% and 88% of nickel and cobalt respectively was extracted by the surfactin precipitation process, and up to 100% of copper was extracted by surfactin precipitation in conjunction with alkaline precipitation. Initial relative surfactin concentration and pH were shown to be key operating parameters that should be controlled in the surfactin-aided precipitation process. The value of the ion flotation process utilising a surfactin collector was investigated by determining how far the ion flotation process could lower the concentration of HMs in the residual solution. The reduction in copper, nickel, and cobalt concentrations in the residual solution was 67%, 82%, and 96% respectively. It was further found that the extent of ion extraction could be improved by optimisation of the flotation pH, air flowrate, and initial concentration of surfactin. Based on these results, it appears that precipitation and ion flotation have the potential to effectively utilise the promising properties of surfactin to treat HM contaminated wastewater.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swaar metale (HM's) is 'n algemene kontaminant wat voorkom in afvalwater wat deur mynbedrywighede gegenereer word. HM's kan toksies en karsinogeen wees, en breek nie natuurlik af nie. Hulle is dus geneig om te versamel in omgewings waar hulle uitgestort word. Konvensionele HM-skeidingsprosesse kan effektief wees, maar verskeie nadele, insluitend swak selektiwiteit, hoë proseskoste, of die generering van sekondêre besoedelingstowwe, kan hul doeltreffendheid in die industrie beperk. Surfaktien is 'n lipopeptied-biosurfaktant wat groot belofte toon vir toepassing in HMskeidingsprosesse. Surfaktien is in staat om HM-katione in stabiele komplekse te koördineer, en die meganisme van katioonkoördinasie word veronderstel om die komplekse onoplosbaar in waterige oplossings te maak. Hierdie eienskappe, tesame met die omgewingsvriendelike aard van biosurfaktante, maak surfaktien 'n aantreklike alternatief vir sintetiese reagense wat in konvensionele skeidingsprosesse gebruik word. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om te bepaal watter HM-ekstraksiemetodes surfaktien suksesvol kan gebruik om HM's uit waterige oplossing te ekstraheer en die doeltreffendheid van hierdie prosesse te ondersoek. Op grond van die hipotese dat surfaktien onoplosbare komplekse met HM-ione vorm, is 'n chelaat-neerslagproses geïdentifiseer as een potensiële modus van HMekstraksie. Die vermoë van surfaktien om HM's in 'n hidrofobiese kompleks te bind, dui ook daarop dat dit funksioneel as 'n versamelaar in 'n ioonflotasieproses kan wees. Om die potensiaal van hierdie prosesse te toets, is enkelione van koper-, nikkel-, en kobaltoplossings gebruik in eenvoudige model-gekontamineerde afvalwater. Die vermoë van surfaktien om die metaalione te koördineer en presipiteer, is eers bevestig deur ekwimolêre konsentrasies surfaktien met elke onderskeie koper-, nikkel- en kobaltoplossing te meng. Die neerslae wat spontaan gevorm is, is deur FTIR-spektroskopie gedroog en geanaliseer om die bindingsplekke te bepaal wat die HM-ione gekoördineer het. Daar is gevind dat die karboksilaatgroepe en die amiedgroepe wat in die hidrofiliese sikliese heptapeptiede-gedeelte voorkom, albei in staat was tot koördinasie, en die koördinasie van die HM's op hierdie bindingsplekke sou die waterige oplosbaarheid van die kompleks verminder. Die omvang van neerslag van koper, nikkel en kobalt deur surfaktien is toe gekwantifiseer om die doeltreffendheid van die neerslagproses met surfaktien as neerslag te bepaal. Tot 84% en 88% van nikkel en kobalt onderskeidelik is geëkstraheer deur die surfaktienneerslagproses, en tot 100% van koper is geëkstraheer deur surfaktienneerslag in samewerking met alkaliese neerslag. Daar is getoon dat aanvanklike relatiewe surfaktienkonsentrasie en pH die belangrikste bedryfsparameters is wat in die surfaktien-gehulpe neerslagproses beheer moet word. Die waarde van die ioonflotasieproses wat 'n surfaktienversamelaar gebruik, is ondersoek deur te bepaal hoe ver die ioonflotasieproses die konsentrasie van HM's in die residu-oplossing kon verminder. Die vermindering in koper-, nikkel- en kobaltkonsentrasies in die residu-oplossing was onderskeidelik 67%, 82% en 96%. Daar is verder bevind dat die omvang van ioonekstraksie verbeter kan word deur optimalisering van die flotasie pH, lugvloeitempo en aanvanklike konsentrasie van surfaktien. Op grond van hierdie resultate blyk dit dat neerslag en ioonflotasie die potensiaal het om die belowende eienskappe van surfaktien effektief te benut om HM-gekontamineerde afvalwater te behandel.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.