A missiological investigation of the role of the Church of Christ's medical missions at Mashoko, Zimbabwe, as transformational development

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the role of the Church of Christ’s medical missions in promoting transformational development in Mashoko, Zimbabwe. The study considers a whole-person approach to well-being, a critical development requirement and a missional issue that demands a more comprehensive response from the church. More specifically, it seeks to address the problem of focusing and acting on physical health without adequately appreciating the interrelatedness of the dimensions of the whole human life – materially, socially and spiritually. The study is an empirical, qualitative and missiological inquiry positioned within the broader mission theology of missio Dei. The study is guided by a missional hermeneutic of mission as transformation as the overarching theoretical framework upholding holism. The investigation draws upon grassroots community members and the medical ministry agents’ knowledge, experiences and understanding through in-depth semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was used to examine themes, subthemes and patterns of meaning within data. The study interprets the findings through the lens of transformational development to identify the missional task required to summon a more comprehensive and transformative missionary engagement. The study’s findings demonstrate that the Church of Christ’s medical ministry addresses some specific health and well-being needs commensurate with the standards of transformational development. However, there is a disconnect between the theory of transformational development and the medical ministry’s praxis due to inadequate approaches to the community’s underlying spiritual and socio-economic challenges. These findings display a persistent Western and modern compartmentalised view of human well-being within the ministry. Further, the study has demonstrated that the limited participation of the local church and the community in health programmes, and the prioritisation of hospital-based curative medical care over community-based promotive health services compromise the depth of the ministry. Similarly, inadequate professional training for holistic ministry, sustainability constraints, and the dependence syndrome within the community downplay the ministry’s transformational impact. The study argues that an in-depth appropriation of the tenets of mission as transformation, together with some elements of Ubuntu, creates an effective platform for a more comprehensive and transforming medical mission. The study proposes that a transforming medical mission would better address the rural community’s physical health challenges while recognising the value of meeting socio-economic and spiritual needs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bestudeer die rol van die Church of Christ se mediese bedienings in die bevordering van transformerende ontwikkeling in Mashoko, Zimbabwe. Die studie beskou ʼn benadering tot welstand wat die mens in geheel sien, as ʼn kritieke vereiste vir ontwikkeling en ʼn missionale kwessie wat ʼn meer omvattende respons van die kerk vereis. Meer spesifiek poog dit om die probleem aan te spreek van ʼn fokus en optrede ten opsigte van fisiese gesondheid wat nie die onderlinge verbondenheid van al die dimensies van die menslike lewe – materieel, maatskaplik en geestelik – voldoende in ag te neem. Dit is ʼn empiriese, kwalitatiewe en sendingwetenskaplike ondersoek wat binne die breër sendingteologie van missio Dei geleë is. Die studie word gerig deur ʼn missionale hermeneutiek van sending as transformasie as die oorkoepelende teoretiese raamwerk, wat holisme ondersteun. Die ondersoek put uit die kennis, ervaring en begrip van gemeenskapslede op voetsoolvlak en agente van die mediese bediening deur diepgaande semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en fokusgroepbesprekings. Tematiese analise is gebruik om temas, subtemas en patrone van betekenis in die data te ondersoek. Die studie interpreteer die bevindings deur die lens van transformerende ontwikkeling om die missionale taak te identifiseer wat benodig word om ʼn meer omvattende en transformerende sendingbetrokkenheid te bewerkstellig. Die studie se bevindings dui aan dat die mediese bediening van die Church of Christ sommige spesifieke gesondheids- en welstandsbehoeftes aanspreek op die standaard wat deur transformerende ontwikkeling gestel word. Die teorie van transformerende ontwikkeling en die mediese bediening in praktyk sluit egter nie by mekaar aan nie, weens ontoereikende benaderings tot die gemeenskap se onderliggende geestelike en sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings. Hierdie bevindings dui op ʼn hardnekkige Westerse en moderne gekompartementaliseerde beskouing van menslike welstand in die bediening. Die studie toon voorts ook dat beperkte deelname van die plaaslike kerk en die gemeenskap aan gesondheidsprogramme, en die prioritisering van genesende mediese sorg in die hospitaal bo gemeenskapsgebaseerde bevorderende gesondheidsdienste die diepte van die bediening kompromitteer. Die bediening se transformerende impak word insgelyks deur ontoereikende professionele opleiding vir holistiese bediening, beperkings in terme van volhoubaarheid, en die afhanklikheidsindroom van die gemeenskap ondermyn. Die studie betoog dat ʼn diepgaande toe-eiening van die leerstellinge van sending as transformasie tesame met sommige elemente van Ubuntu, ʼn doeltreffende platform sal skep vir ʼn meer omvattende en transformerende mediese sending. Die studie stel voor dat ʼn transformerende mediese sending die landelike gemeenskap se fisiese gesondheidsuitdagings beter die hoof sou bied, terwyl dit die waarde daarvan om ook aan sosio-ekonomiese en geestelike behoeftes te voldoen, erken.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Missions, Mission of the church, Church of Christ, Mashoko Mission in Zimbabwe, UCTD