Socialisation of the Early Church and Roman culture : a church-historical enquiry with particular consideration of Constantine, Ambrose, and Augustine

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Retiefen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorPunt, Jeremyen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLee, Joowanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Systematical Theology and Ecclesiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis constructs a narrative about socialisation in the early Christian community as connected to the social culture of Rome. It seeks to elucidate the meaning of church history in relation to the paradigm shift in Christian community formation. The socialisation of Christianity shows how each Christian community produced an integrated Christian culture suitable for that particular society to adequately explain the identity and values of Christianity to non-Christians and extend the sociocultural influence of the kingdom of God and the gospel in a secular society. Thus, the Christian community paradigm of an era created through socialisation can be viewed not simply as a sociocultural form of Christianity, but as a Christian mechanism that interpreted sociocultural values through their correlation with characteristic values of Christianity and synthesised such values in their lives. In particular, the church-historical cases considered in this study, those based on mutual understanding found among Christianity and Roman society, relate the character and form of the Jesus movement as a process of re-socialisation that occurred when the Christian community that originated from the sociocultural background of Judaism encountered Roman social culture. In other words, the transition witnessed in the Christian community paradigm reveals the sociocultural expectations of Christianity during that period, and early Christians’ understanding of a community ruled by God in secular society and, conversely, the way Christian communities used secular social culture. Christianity, as it developed in the Roman Empire, pursued the same characteristic values as the historical Jesus movement. However, it was not limited to any one particular sociocultural form or value but secured a multi-layered and comprehensive form in connection with various sociocultural values. In addition, historical Christian communities were differentiated in various forms according to the sociocultural characteristics of a region, but at the same time tried to form a fully Christian community as a Jesus movement through the universal Christian community paradigm. In other words, the historical Christian communities tried to closely match the constantly changing social cultures of the secular world to with central Christian values, rather than simply highlighting the gap between the essence and form of Christianity in relation to the interrelationship between Christianity and social culture. In that respect, the basic meaning of the socialisation of early Christianity can be said to have enabled the secular world to experience Christian faith by exposing the essential values of Christianity to the values of the world.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis stel 'n narratief saam oor sosialisering in die vroeë Christelike gemeenskap in samehang met Rome se sosiale kultuur. Die strewe is om die betekenis van kerkgeskiedenis in verband met die paradigmaverskuiwing in Christelike gemeenskapvorming toe te lig. Die sosialisering van die Christendom toon aan hoe elke Christelike gemeenskap 'n geïntegreerde Christelike kultuur voortgebring het wat toepaslik was vir daardie samelewing om die identiteit en waardes van die Christendom aan nie-Christene gepas oor te dra, ten einde die sosiokulturele invloed van die koninkryk van God en die evangelie in 'n sekulêre samelewing uit te oefen. Die Christelike gemeenskap paradigma van 'n era wat deur sosialisering geskep is, kan dus nie net gesien word as 'n sosiokulturele vorm van die Christendom nie, maar as 'n Christelike meganisme wat sosiokulturele waardes in korrelasie met kenmerkende waardes van die Christendom interpreteer het en dit in hul lewens gesintetiseer het. Die kerkhistoriese gevalle wat in hierdie studie oorweeg is, wat gebaseer is op die onderlinge begrip wat tussen die Christendom en die Romeinse samelewing bestaan het, verwoord veral die karakter en vorm van die Jesus-beweging in verwantskap aan die proses van her-sosialisering wat plaasgevind het toe die Christelike gemeenskap, wat uit die sosiokulturele agtergrond van die Jodendom ontstaan het, die Romeinse sosiale kultuur teëgekom het. Met ander woorde, die oorgang wat in die Christelike gemeenskapsparadigma bespeur word, ontbloot die sosiokulturele verwagtinge van die Christendom gedurende daardie periode, en die vroeë Christene se begrip van 'n gemeenskap wat deur God in die sekulêre samelewing regeer is, en omgekeerd, ook die manier waarop Christelike gemeenskappe van sekulêre sosiale kultuur gebruik gemaak het. Die Christendom, soos dit in die Romeinse Ryk ontwikkel het, het dieselfde kenmerkende waardes nagestreef as die historiese Jesus-beweging. Dit was egter nie beperk tot 'n bepaalde sosiokulturele vorm of waarde nie, maar het 'n meervlakkige en omvattende vorm met betrekking tot verskillende sosiokulturele waardes verseker. Boonop is historiese Christelike gemeenskappe in verskillende vorme gedifferensieer volgens 'n streek se sosiokulturele kenmerke, maar het terselfdertyd telkens probeer om 'n volledig Christelike gemeenskap te vorm op basis van die Jesus-beweging se universele Christelike gemeenskapsparadigma. Met ander woorde, die historiese Christelike gemeenskappe het probeer om die voortdurend veranderende sosiale kulture van die sekulêre wêreld by hul sentrale Christelike waardes aan te pas, eerder as om bloot die gaping tussen die wese en die vorm van die Christendom uit te lig in verhouding tot die onderlinge verband tussen die Christendom en sosiale kultuur. In hierdie opsig kan die basiese betekenis van die sosialisering van die vroeë Christendom daarin gesien word dat die sekulêre wêreld in staat gestel is om die Christelike geloof teë te kom, deur die wesenlike waardes van die Christendom aan die waardes van die wêreld bloot te stel.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 319 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectChurch history -- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600en_ZA
dc.subjectConstantine I, Emperor of Rome, -337en_ZA
dc.subjectAmbrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, 397en_ZA
dc.subjectAugustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430en_ZA
dc.titleSocialisation of the Early Church and Roman culture : a church-historical enquiry with particular consideration of Constantine, Ambrose, and Augustineen_ZA
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