Persuasive messages of women in Xhosa

dc.contributor.advisorDlali, M.
dc.contributor.authorSijadu, Zameka Paula
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.
dc.descriptionThesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore interpersonal persuasive messages of Xhosaspeaking women. The findings suggest that the majority of attempts at interpersonal persuasion take place in close and often personal relationships. The findings further show that the majority of Xhosa-speaking women tend to persuade those they are familiar with, such as husbands, children, siblings and friends. Specific cultural aspects also influence the persuasive messages of these women, such as collectivism, indirectness, politeness and ubuntu (caring). Research conducted by Cody et al. (1994), Dillard (1989) and Rule et al. (1985) suggests that individuals seek to persuade others for a variety of reasons. They discovered that the most sought-after influence goals are the following: give advice, gain assistance, share activity, change orientation, change relationship, obtain permission and enforce rights and obligations. These seven influence goals cover a large portion of the persuasive landscape, and were dealt with considerably in this research. The data for this research were collected from Xhosa-speaking women situated in the Eastern Cape, specifically in the region of East London. A total of 20 women in the age range of 30 to 45 participated by writing self-reports in which they attempted to influence their friends, colleagues or family members. Participants also had to relate persuasive incidents that recently took place. In addition, they were asked to mention whether the process of gaining compliance was successful or not. The research data were analysed and evaluated against the following: 1. Different types of influence goals 2. Message dimensions (explicitness, dominance and argument) 3. Evidence in a persuasive message 4. Emotional appeals (threat and guilt appeals) 5. Cultural and conversational constraints The data analysis revealed that the findings of this study among Xhosa-speaking women are on par with the findings of the study by S.R. Wilson (2002) on culture and conversational constraints, as well as with other research conducted by Dillard (1998) in the field of message production.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om interpersoonlike oorredingsboodskappe van ’n aantal Xhosasprekende vroue te ondersoek. Die bevindinge doen aan die hand dat die meerderheid pogings tot interpersoonlike oorreding in nabye en dikwels persoonlike verhoudings plaasvind. Die bevindinge van die navorsing toon ook dat die meerderheid Xhosasprekende vroue daartoe geneig is om diegene waarmee hulle vertroud is, te oorreed. Dit sluit gades, kinders, broers en susters en vriende in. Sekere kulturele aspekte beïnvloed ook die oorredingsboodskappe van hierdie vroue, soos kollektivisme, indirektheid, beleefdheid en ubuntu (omgee). Navorsing uitgevoer deur Cody et al. (1994), Dillard (1989) en Rule et al. (1985) voer aan dat individue ander mense om verskeie redes probeer oorreed. Hulle het uitgevind dat die algemeenste doelwitte van beïnvloeding die volgende is: gee advies, verkry bystand, deel aktiwiteit, verander oriëntasie, verander verhouding, verkry toestemming, dwing regte af en verpligtinge. Hierdie sewe doelwitte van beïnvloeding dek ’n groot gedeelte van die gebied van oorreding, en word omvattend in hierdie studie behandel. Die data vir die navorsing is ingesamel van Xhosasprekende vroue in die Oos-Kaap, spesifiek in die Oos-Londen-gebied. Twintig vroue tussen die ouderdom van 30 en 45 het deelgeneem deur verslae te skryf waarin hulle gepoog het om hul vriende, kollegas of familielede te beïnvloed. Die deelnemers moes ook verslag doen van oorredingsinsidente wat onlangs plaasgevind het. Hulle is gevra om te meld of die proses om toegewing te verkry suksesvol was al dan nie. Die navorsingsdata is ontleed en teen die volgende geëvalueer: 6. Verskillende soorte doelwitte van beïnvloeding 7. Boodskapdimensies (uitdruklikheid, dominansie en argument) 8. Bewyse in ’n oorredingsboodskap 9. Emosionele beroepe (dreigemente en beroepe om skuldgevoelens) 10. Kulturele en gespreksbeperkings Die data-ontleding het aangetoon dat die bevindinge van hierdie studie onder Xhosasprekende vroue ooreenstem met dié van ’n studie deur S.R. Wilson (2002) oor kulturele en gespreksbeperkings, asook met navorsing deur Dillard (1998) op die gebied van
dc.format.extent175 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectDissertations -- African languages
dc.subjectTheses -- African languagesen
dc.subjectMessage productionen
dc.subjectPersuasion (Rhetoric)en
dc.subjectXhosa (African people) -- Communicationen
dc.subjectWomen -- South Africaen
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Discourse analysisen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Xhosa languageen
dc.subjectTheses -- Xhosa languageen
dc.titlePersuasive messages of women in Xhosaen
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