Die rol wat goeie kommunikasie in die sukses van 'n maatskappy speel : met spesifieke verwysing na Sanlam

dc.contributor.advisorRetief, G. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorEsterhuyse, Marie Elizabethen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Journalism.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The communication of the financial services group Sanlam was investigated to determine whether good communication plays a role in a company's successes. Communication in the company is fairly complex because Sanlam consists of various businesses that operate independently. Communication in Sanlam is nevertheless important, and the holding company as well as the businesses realise this. Sanlam's comprehensive communication with one of its most important target groups, namely shareholders and institutional investors, is proof of this. As Sanlam did not have shareholders until its listing in November 1998, communication with this group was not required before this date. Today it is extremely important to inform both the shareholders and analysts in detail about the company's financial results, activities and achievements to ensure success. Based on this information, analysts make deductions about the company and recommendations as to whether or not Sanlam shares are a good investment. Shareholders who have not been properly informed can therefore have a significant effect on the company's financial successes. There are a number of ways in which communication takes place with the various target groups inside and outside the company. Internal communication is regarded as important and internal newsletters, e-mail, television broadcasts and the Intranet are some of the tools used to inform staff. External communication also plays an important role. This includes, among other things, communication with shareholders and institutional investors, policyholders, the government and the general public. External communication mediums include, among other things, the main stream media as well as community press, the Sanlam Club magazine, letters, television broadcasts, the Internet, functions, corporate social involvement projects and sponsorships. As already mentioned, Sanlam consists of various businesses, of which Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF) is the largest. Communication in this business is discussed. SPF is responsible for its own internal as well as external communication and is mostly independent as far as this is concerned. SPF's means of communication and target market also differ from those of the Corporate Affairs department. From the study it is clear that Sanlam's communication plays a role in the company's successes. Although there is not always the required co-operation between the businesses and the holding company as far as communication is concerned, there is definitely the feeling that communication is important and that an effort should be made to ensure it is used to the company's advantage.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finansiëledienstegroep, Sanlam, se kommunikasie is ondersoek om vas te stelof goeie kommunikasie 'n rol in 'n maatskappy se sukses speel. Kommunikasie in die maatskappy is taamlik kompleks aangesien Sanlam uit verskillende besighede bestaan wat onafhanklik opereer. Kommunikasie is egter belangrik en die houermaatskappy sowel as die besighede besef dit. Sanlam se uitgebreide kommunikasie met een van sy belangrikste teikengroepe, naamlik aandeelhouers en institusionele beleggers, is 'n bewys hiervan. Tot en met die notering van die maatskappy in November 1998 het Sanlam nie aandeelhouers gehad nie en was kommunikasie met dié groep dus nie nodig nie. Vandag is dit uiters belangrik om aandeelhouers en analiste baie goed oor die maatskappy se finansiële resultate, sy doen en late en prestasies in te lig om sukses te verseker. Analiste maak na aanleiding van dié inligting afleidings oor die maatskappy en doen aanbevelings aan potensiële beleggers of dit 'n goeie belegging is om in Sanlam-aandele te belê of nie. Swak ingeligte aandeelhouers en analiste kan dus 'n wesenlike invloed op die maatskappy se finansiële suksesse hê. Daar is talle manier waarop met die verskillende teikengroepe binne en buite die maatskappy gekommunikeer word. Interne kommunikasie word as belangrik beskou en interne nuusbriewe, e-pos, televisie-uitsendings en die Intranet word onder meer gebruik om personeel in te lig. Eksterne kommunikasie speelook 'n belangrike rol. Dit sluit onder meer kommunikasie met aandeelhouers en institusionele beleggers, polishouers, die owerheid en die breë publiek in. Eksterne kommunikasiemediums sluit onder meer die hoofstroommedia sowel as die gemeenskapspers, die Sanlamklub-tydskrif, briewe, televisie-uitsendings, die Internet, onthale, korporatiewe maatskaplike betrokkenheidsprojekte en borgskappe in. Sanlam bestaan uit verskillende besighede waarvan Sanlam Persoonlike Finansies (SPF) die grootste is. Kommunikasie in dié besigheid word bespreek. SPF is verantwoordelik vir sy eie interne sowel as eksterne kommunikasie en tree in 'n groot mate onafhanklik op. Hulle manier van kommunikeer en hul teikenmark verskilook van dié van die afdeling Korporatiewe Aangeleenthede. Uit die studie is dit duidelik dat Sanlam se kommunikasie 'n rol speel in die maatskappy se suksesse. Hoewel daar nie altyd die nodige samewerking tussen die besighede en die houermaatskappy bestaan wat kommunikasie betref nie, is daar beslis 'n gevoel dat kommunikasie belangrik is en dat moeite gedoen moet word om te verseker dat dit tot die maatskappy se voordeel aangewend word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent77 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness communication -- South Africa -- Case studiesen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunication in organizations -- South Africa -- Case studiesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Journalismen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Journalismaf_ZA
dc.titleDie rol wat goeie kommunikasie in die sukses van 'n maatskappy speel : met spesifieke verwysing na Sanlamaf_ZA
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