Social trust in a divided country: an investigation into the determinants of social trust in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades, a significant body of research has emerged on the importance of social trust for societies. Social trust refers to interpersonal trust between citizens and describes the degree to which people feel they can trust citizens they do not know. Research has found greater levels of social trust to be associated with a wide range of desirable societal features, such as stimulating economic growth, improving government performance and increasing citizen general living standard. For decades, South Africa has suffered from a social trust deficit. The 2019 South African Reconciliation Barometer data found that 60% of the population do not actively trust other citizens. Given South Africa's critical need for greater economic growth, improved governance and greater social cohesion, this study investigates the causes of social trust in South Africa to gain greater insight into the country's social trust deficit. To this effect, this study investigates the relationship between South African's levels of social trust and five societal characteristics identified in the global academic literature as key determinants of social trust, including the influences of racial diversity, perceptions of income distribution (inequality), perceptions of government corruption, confidence in institutions, and perceptions of societal fairness on South African levels of social trust. The study employs a quantitative research design to analyse cross-sectional data from the 2019 South African Reconciliation Barometer (SARB) nationally representative survey to test the relationship between social trust and these explanatory variables. The results of the analysis indicate that South African's confidence in institutions has the strongest influence on social trust levels, followed by the influence of perceptions of income distribution (inequality). By contrast, racial diversity and perceptions of government corruption are found to have little influence on South African's social racial levels The finding that racial diversity has little effect on South Africans' social trust is particularly significant, given the country's history of racism and racial segregation, and because it stands in contrast to the large and well-established body of literature that finds racial diversity erodes social trust. The finding thus suggest that efforts to address South Africa's social trust deficit should focus on increasing citizen confidence in in institutions and addressing the high levels of income inequality in South Africa. However, given the dire and deteriorating state of South Africans' institutional confidence and the country's high level of income inequality it remains unlikely that these conditions will improve social trust. Further research on potential measures and reforms that could address these issues will be vital for improving social trust.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitgebreide navorsing oor die afgelope drie dekades fokus op die belang van sosiale vertroue in samelewings. Sosiale vertroue verwys na interpersoonlike vertroue tussen mense en beskryf die mate waartoe mense voel hulle kan ander wat hulle nie ken nie, vertrou. Navorsing het bevind dat hoer vlakke van sosiale vertroue geassosieer kan word met 'n wye verskeidenheid van wenslike sosiale kenmerke; soos stimulering van ekonomiese groei, verbetering van regeringsprestasie, en die verhoging van algemene lewenstandaarde. Vir dekades lank ly Suid-Afrika aan 'n sosiale vertrouenstekort. Data bevat in die Suid- Afrikaans Versoeningsbarometer (SARB) van 2019 bevind dat 60% van die bevolking nie mede-burgers vertrou nie. Gegewe Suid-Afrika se kritieke behoefte aan groter ekonomiese groei, meer volhoubare bestuur en beter sosiale kohesie, ondersoek hierdie studie die oorsake van sosiale vertroue in Suid-Afrika om beter insig te verwerf in die land se sosiale vertrouenstekort. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus die verhouding tussen Suid-Afrikaners se vlakke van sosiale vertroue en vyf samelewingseienskappe wat in internasionale akademiese literatuur as sleutelbepalers van sosiale vertroue geidentifiseer word. Die studie sluit die invloede van rasse-verskeidenheid, persepsies oor inkomste-verspreiding (ongelykheid), persepsies oor regeringskorrupsie, vertroue in instansies, en persepsies van samelewing regverdigheid op Suid-Afrikaners se vlakke van sosiale vertroue. Die studie gebruik 'n kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp vir die ontleding van deursnit data in die nasionale verteenwordigende meningsopname van die 2019 Suid-Afrikaanse Versoeningsbarometer, om die verhouding tussen sosiale vertroue en hierdie verklarende veranderlikes te toets. Die resultate van die ontleding dui daarop dat Suid-Afrikaners se vertroue in instansies die sterkste invloed het op samelewing vertrouensvlakke; gevolg deur die invloed van persepsies van inkomste-verspreiding (ongelykheid). Daarenteen is gevind dat rasse diversiteit en persepsies van regeringskorrupsie 'n beperkte effek het op Suid-Afrikaners se samelewing vertouensvlakke. Die bevinding dat rasse diversiteit 'n minimale effek het op Suid-Afrikaners se samelewing vetrouensvlakke is besonders betekenisvol, gegewe die land se geskiedenis van rassisme en rassesegregasie, en omdat dit in kontras staan met 'n groot hoeveelheid gevestigde literatuur wat bevind dat rasse diversiteit sosiale vertroue erodeer. Die bevindinge van die studie suggereer dus dat pogings om Suid Afrika se sosiale vertrouensagsterstand aan te spreek behoort te fokus op die verhoging van landsburgers se vertroue in instansies, asook die hoë vlak van inkomste ongelykheid in Suid-Afrika. Gegewe dus die erge en degenerende toestand van Suid-Afrikaners se vertroue in instansies en die land se hoë vlak van inkomste ongelykheid, blyk dit dus onwaarskynlik dat hierdie toestande sosiale vertroue sal verbeter. Verdere navorsing oor moontlike maatreëls en hervormings wat hierdie kwessies kan aanspreek, sal noodsaaklik wees vir die verbetering van sosiale vertroue.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.