Quantifying system reliability in rail transportation in an ageing fleet environment

In recent years the management of physical assets has become increasingly important, especially in asset-intensive organisations. This article presents an approach to quantifying the reliability of rolling stock assets in the rail environment, making use of failure statistics. Failure distributions and the interdependency of different systems are used to determine the impact of component failures on overall system reliability, and to determine the reliability of individual train sets. Recommendations about the future planning of maintenance are included in the article.
Die bestuur van fisiese bates het in die afgelope tyd al meer belangrik geword, veral in bate intensiewe organisasies. Hierdie artikel stel ’n metode voor wat die betroubaarheid van rollende materiaal bates in die spoor bedryf kwantifiseer deur gebruik te maak van falingstatistiek. Falingverspreidings en interafhanklikheid van stelsels word gebruik om te bepaal wat die invloed is van komponent falings op die betroubaarheid van die totale stelsel. Hierdie benadering word dan gebruik om die betroubaarheid van individuele treinstelle te bepaal. Aanbevelings word ook gemaak hoe om betroubaarheid te gebruik om die beplanning van instandhouding te doen.
CITATION: Conradie, P. D., et al. 2015. Quantifying system reliability in rail transportation in an ageing fleet environment. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(2):128-142, doi:10.7166/26-2-1076.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Reliability (Engineering), Rail transportation -- Maintenance and repair, Method, Weibull
Conradie, P. D., et al. 2015. Quantifying system reliability in rail transportation in an ageing fleet environment. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(2):128-142, doi:10.7166/26-2-1076