Proposed practices to mitigate significant mobility security risks

Brand, Johanna Catherina
Kruger-Van Renen, Wandi
Rudman, Riaan
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Clute Institute
Enterprise mobility is emerging as a fast-growing trend worldwide. Numerous risks originate from using mobile devices for business-related tasks and most of these risks pose a significant security threat to organisations’ information. Information Technology (IT) governance frameworks can provide guidance in managing these risks at a strategic level, but these frameworks do not effectively govern on a technical operational level. Implementation of these frameworks may also be inefficient, as they are generic and do not necessarily cover all the risks relating to a specific technology. This study provides organisations with guidance on how to govern these enterprise mobility security risks in an effective manner at both a strategic and an operational level. Using three IT governance frameworks, this study identified 12 practices that companies can employ to mitigate significant mobility security risks.
Publication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund
The original publication is available at
Please cite as follows:
Brand, J. C., Kruger-Van Renen, W. & Rudman, R. 2015. Proposed practices to mitigate significant mobility security risks. International business & economics research journal, 14(1): 199-220.
COBIT, ITIL, ISO, IT Governance, Mobility Risks
Brand, J. C., Kruger-Van Renen, W. & Rudman, R. 2015. Proposed practices to mitigate significant mobility security risks. International business & economics research journal, 14(1): 199-220.