Die literere vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar

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The translation process is an intercultural transfer that does not only take place between two languages, but between two cultures, as the source and target text are each embedded in a communicative situation in their respective cultures. The literary translator is thus faced with the problem of how to handle the cultural aspects implicit in a source text, and of choosing the most suitable technique to convey these aspects to the target text successfully while keeping in mind the characteristics of the intended readers. The translator can thus be regarded as a cultural mediator who facilitates communication and understanding between people or groups who differ with regard to language and culture. The various culture-specific words and concepts in Dalene Matthee’s “Fiela se kind” have far-reaching implications for translation. The extent to which the translator – Matthee herself – succeeded in functioning as a cultural mediator in “Fiela’s child” is investigated in this article by means of contrastive analysis. It is argued that a decisive loss of meaning and emotional value occured during the translation process to the detriment of the target text as a literary work. The contention of this article is that Matthee’s way of handling translation problems on a microstructural level brought about macrotextual semantic shifts in the target text, and that she did not succeed in fulfilling her role as a cultural mediator at all the levels of the text.
Die vertaalproses is ’n interkulturele oordrag wat nie net tussen twee tale plaasvind nie, maar tussen twee kulture, aangesien die bron- en doelteks albei ingebed is in ’n kommunikatiewe situasie in hulle onderskeie kulture. Die literêre vertaler kom dus voor die probleem te staan van hoe om die kulturele aspekte wat implisiet in ’n bronteks is, te hanteer, en om die mees geskikte tegniek te kies om hierdie aspekte suksesvol na die doelteks oor te dra met inagneming van die eienskappe van die beoogde lesers. Die vertaler kan dus as ’n kulturele bemiddelaar beskou word wat kommunikasie en begrip fasiliteer tussen mense of groepe wat verskil ten opsigte van taal en kultuur. Die verskeie kultuurspesifieke woorde en konsepte in Dalene Matthee se “Fiela se kind” het verreikende implikasies vir vertaling. Die mate waarin die vertaler – Matthee self – daarin slaag om as kulturele bemiddelaar in “Fiela’s child” te funksioneer, word in hierdie artikel deur middel van kontrastiewe ontleding ondersoek. Daar word geargumenteer dat ’n deurslaggewende verlies aan betekenis- en gevoelswaarde tydens die vertaalproses plaasgevind het tot nadeel van die doelteks as literêre werk. Die standpunt van hierdie artikel is dat Matthee se hantering van vertaalprobleme op ’n mikrostrukturele vlak makrotekstuele semantiese verskuiwings in die doelteks teweeggebring het en dat sy nie daarin geslaag het om haar rol as kulturele bemiddelaar op alle vlakke van die teks te vervul nie.
Please cite as follows:
Müller, M., & Feinauer, I. 2008. Die literêre vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar. Literator, 29(2):125-148, doi:10.4102/lit.v29i2.119.
The original publication is available at http://literator.org.za
Literary translation
Müller, M., & Feinauer, I. 2008. Die literêre vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar. Literator, 29(2):125-148, doi:10.4102/lit.v29i2.119.