Research Articles (Human Resource Development (Mil))

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    Disparity : threat or opportunity to distance education throughput at the South African military academy
    (Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), 2015) Khoza, Lindiwe; Van Zyl, Gerhard
    Improved student throughput remains on the South African Higher Education (HE) priority list. To achieve greater throughput, all institutions of higher learning need to contribute. The South African Military Academy offers distance education (DE) programmes to employees of the South African Department of Defence (DoD). Its distance education (DE) programme, earmarked to become the main HE provider to the DoD, compared to its residential programmes, displays poor throughput. Poor DE throughput contradicts recent advances in educational technologies which provide a range of mitigation and support opportunities through the creation of learning spaces that mediate successful student learning anytime anywhere. This article contributes to the body of knowledge on firstly the disparate profile of Military Academy DE students, and secondly, their disparate access to learning technologies in their working and learning spaces. A survey among DE undergraduates and DE lecturers revealed disparity among respective DE students’ HE-related demographics, and disparity in their access to learning technologies (LT). Resolving disparity in access to LT can mitigate demographic disparity to promote graduate throughput.
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    Taking the lonely walk in Iraq and Afghanistan
    (Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), 2014) Beukes, T.
    "Eight lives down", "Extreme risk" and "Bomb hunters" all contain the personal accounts of British soldiers who served as bomb-disposal operators during the recent armed conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The books were not written as scholarly works intended for an academic audience. Serious students of contemporary armed conflict nevertheless would find them useful reading material. The books should be particularly useful to scholars with a professional interest in asymmetric warfare or the emerging role of improvised explosive devices in contemporary armed conflict.
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    Suicide prevention and management in the SA National Defence Force : a psychological discussion
    (Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Military Science, 2012) Koopman, Rene; Van Dyk, Gielie
    Suicidal behaviour is a challenge for military forces around the world. Suicide can be a reaction in peacekeeping operations or conventional warfare, because the stressful nature of both types of operations can force military members to such a catastrophic end. This article focuses on the necessary knowledge and skills for a better understanding of suicidal behaviour in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) for members on different levels. It discusses the operational environment, with specific reference to peacekeeping operations or conventional warfare as contributing factors, risk factors, and the prevention and proper management of suicide by means of educating commanders and members of the multi-professional team (MPT).