Rescattering in knockout reactions as manifested in 40Ca(p,p′ p″) at an incident energy of 392 MeV

Cowley A.A.
Arendse G.J.
Visser R.F.
Steyn G.F.
Fortsch S.V.
Lawrie J.J.
Pilcher J.V.
Noro T.
Baba T.
Hatanaka K.
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The reaction 40Ca(p,p′ p″) was investigated at an incident energy of 392 MeV. The energy and angular distributions are found to be consistent in shape as well as in absolute magnitude with the prediction of a reaction mechanism based on rescattering from a seminal knockout process. In this mechanism the struck nucleon behaves like an intranuclear projectile and initiates further rescatterings with the remainder of the target nucleus that is reminiscent of the interaction of a free projectile of similar kinetic energy. These results provide strong evidence for the validity of conclusions derived from earlier investigations at lower incident energies. The considerable uncertainty exhibited in previous work in the quantitative relationship between the yields of the initial knockout events and the secondary rescattering processes has been resolved in this study. Also, the participation of knockout from deeply bound shell-model orbitals has been clarified.
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics