A new povidone-iodine cream for the treatment of burns : comparison with a standard topical regimen

De Kock, M.
Van der Merwe, A. E.
Houghton, F. C.
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Health and Medical Publishing Group -- HMPG
A remarkable improvement in the rate of burn healing has been achieved with a mixture of povidone-iodine ointment (Betadine) and malic, benzoic and salicylic acids (MBS) (Aserbine). A study was undertaken to compare the effects of a new povidone-iodine formulation (Betadine cream) with and without MBS with povidone-iodine ointment plus MBS. All preparations were easy to apply and were readily removed, causing only mild discomfort on application in the majority of cases. A significant difference in healing times was observed between povidone-iodine cream and povidine-iodine cream plus MBS. There was also a significant difference in the decrease in the number of positive bacterial cultures between these two treatments. This applied to both superficial and deep burns. No skin sensitivity reactions were reported with any of the preparations. The addition of MBS to povidone-iodine cream did not produce as significant an improvement in results as its addition to povidone-iodine ointment.
The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za
Burns and scalds -- Treatment
De Kock, M., Van der Merwe, A. E., Houghton, F. C., 1986.A new povidone-iodine cream for the treatment of burns : comparison with a standard topical regimen. South African medical journal, 29 March: 431-435.