Inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma - a preventable condition?

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Health & Medical Publishing Group
Objective. Description of demographic data and identification of possible preventable causes in patients with inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma. Setting. Unit of Gynaecological Oncology, Tygerberg Hospital. Methods and materials. Retrospective analysis of 45 patients with inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma for the period 1985-1994. Results. Forty-five patients with a mean age of 51.1 years and a mean parity of 5 were included in the study. The majority of patients had early-stage disease (55.5%). Patients managed primarily in non-tertiary facilities had a statistically significant higher incidence of preventable causes (P = 0.0002). The majority of the study population had endocervical adenocarcinoma. The most common reason for preventable inappropriately resected disease was the absence of evaluation of abnormal cervical cytology. Conclusion. Cases of inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma could be reduced if appropriate pre-operative assessment of patients with abnormal cytology is undertaken.
CITATION: Du Toit, G. C. & Van Der Merwe, B. J. 1997. Inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma - a preventable condition?. South African Medical Journal, 87(10):1440-1444.
The original publication is available at
Cancer, Cervix uteri -- Cancer
Du Toit, G. C. & Van Der Merwe, B. J. 1997. Inappropriately resected cervical carcinoma - a preventable condition?. South African Medical Journal, 87(10):1440-1444