Die godsdienshistoriese agtergrond van die Nuwe Testament : kommentaar op 'n onlangse publikasie

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The religio-historic background of the New Testament: Commentary on a recent publication. The religiohistoric background of the NT is of cardinal importance for its interpretation; however, it is far from easy for New Testament scholars to attain a thorough knowledge of this background. What is needed is not only a broad, general orientation, but also first-hand interaction with texts in which Graeco-Roman religious traditions themselves appear and are expressed. But available introductions are either too general or do not offer a satisfactory theoretical framework for understanding textual materials within context. Hans-Josef Klauck's recent introduction to the religio-historical context of the NT, by presenting not only an "external", theoretical but also an "intemal" perspective emanating from close interaction with the ancient texts themselves, satisfies to an exceptional degree the requirements mentioned above.
CITATION: Thom, J. C. 2001. Die godsdienshistoriese agtergrond van die Nuwe Testament : kommentaar op 'n onlangse publikasie. HTS Theological Studies, 57(1/2):a1869, doi:10.4102/hts.v57i1/2.1869.
The original publication is available at https://hts.org.za
Thom, J. C. 2001. Die godsdienshistoriese agtergrond van die Nuwe Testament : kommentaar op 'n onlangse publikasie. HTS Theological Studies, 57(1/2):a1869, doi:10.4102/hts.v57i1/2.1869.