Utilizing formal innovation models to support and guide industry innovation projects

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineerg
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The high failure rate of innovation projects indicates that many companies are not getting the full benefit from their innovation projects [1], [2]. A research project was carried out during 2005 that explored and compared the existing formal models for supporting innovation, in order to address the identified problem. It proposed guidelines for improving and refining innovation projects. A case study that focused on the front-end of product innovation in the wine industry and the applicability of the formal W-model [3] to innovation activities was used to evaluate how formal innovation models can indeed effectively support industry innovation projects. The innovation life cycle was used to categorize a number of innovation frameworks for product, process, and enterprise innovation. Further research should focus on extending the case study to other industries, such as the automotive sector.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groot aantal onsuksesvolle innovasie projekte dui daarop dat maatskappye nie die volle voordele uit hul innovasie projekte kry nie [1], [2]. ’n Navorsingsprojek is gedurende 2005 uitgevoer om bestaande formele innovasie modelle te evalueer, ondersoek, en vergelyk, met die doel om bogenoemde probleem aan te spreek en riglyne voor te stel wat innovasie sal bevorder en verfyn. ’n Gevallestudie, wat fokus op produkinnovasie in die wyn-industrie, is uitgevoer om die toepaslikheid en effektiewe ondersteuning van die formele W-model [3] op spesifieke innovasie aktiwiteite te evalueer. Die innovasie-lewensiklus is ook gebruik om ’n aantal innovasie-raamwerke te kategoriseer in afdelings vir produk-, onderneming- en proses-innovasie. Toekomstige navorsing behoort te fokus op ’n uitbreiding van die gevallestudie na ander industrië soos die motorindustrie.
CITATION: van Zyl, H., du Preez, N.D., & Schutte, C. 2007. Utilizing formal innovation models to support and guide industry innovation projects. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 18(2): 203-219, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7166/18-2-127.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Wine industry, Research, Industrial, Innovations, Industrial
van Zyl, H., du Preez, N.D., & Schutte, C. 2007. Utilizing formal innovation models to support and guide industry innovation projects. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 18(2): 203-219, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7166/18-2-127