Critical evaluation of a position sensorless control technique for the reluctance synchronous machine drive

Smuts, Johan L. (Johan Leodolf)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to critically evaluate the voltage injection position sensorless control technique as applied to the reluctance synchronous machine (RSM) drive and to implement the technique on a 5.5 kW RSM and a 110 kW RSM. The technique is evaluated by using an accurate mathematical model of the RSM in a simulation package, called Simuwin. The negative effects that cross-magnetisation and the slotted air-gap have on the technique are intensively investigated. It was showed that these effects can cause an error in the position estimation of up to 30°. The TMS320F240 DSP was used as the controller for the RSM drives to implement the position sensorless control technique. Measurements on both RSM drives confirm the simulated results.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die spannings-injeksie posisie sensorlose beheer tegniek soos toegepas op die reluktansie sinchroon masjien (RSM) aandryfstelsel, krities te evalueer en te implementeer op 'n 5.5 kW RSM en op 'n 110 kW RSM. Die tegniek is geevalueer deur 'n akkurate wiskundige model van die RSM saam te stel en die model te gebruik in 'n simulasie pakket, genaamd Simuwin. Daar is veral klem gele op die negatiewe invloed wat kruis-magnetisering en 'n gegleufde lug-spleet op die tegniek het. Dit is bewys dat hierdie eienskappe van die RSM 'n fout in die posisie afskatting van tot 30° kan veroorsaak. Die TMS320F240 DSP is gebruik as beheerder vir die RSM aandryfstelsels om sodoende posisie sensorlose beheer op altwee masjiene toe te pas. Metings op albei stelsels bevestig die simulasies.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
Electric machinery, Synchronous, Reluctance motors, Electric motors, Synchronous, Dissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineering, Theses -- Electrical and electronic engineering