A life worthy of being lived : dialectics in Svevo and Michelstaedter

Snyman, Jacobus Wilhelmus Otto
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to point out and elaborate the affinities, culturally as well as textually, between the two Italian authors, Italo Svevo and Carlo Michelstaedter. Furthermore, it is the object of this study to demonstrate how, implicitly, the two authors provide an answer, each in his own way, to the question of "una vita degna di essere vissuta" - "a life worthy of being lived". The central theme in this regard concerns the distinctive notions that each author has in respect of 'Ihealth" and "disease", and "life" and "death", as well as how these notions correspond to the implicit search in their respective writings for "perfection", "authenticity" and "liberty".
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel am die kulturele en tekstuele affiniteite tussen die lwee Italiaanse outeurs, Ital0 Svevo en Carlo Michelstaedter, uit te wys en uitvoerig te bespreek. Daarbenewens, is die voorneme van hierdie studie om te wys hoe elk van die tv:ee outeurs, implisiet, '0 aotwoord verskaf op die kwessie van "una vita degna di essere vissuta" - II 'n lewe wat waardig is om geleef te word". Die sentrale tema in hierdie verband het betrekking op die onderskeidelike opvattings wat elke auteur se werk bevat ten opsigte van "gesondheid" en "siekte", en "Iewe" en "dood". Daar word ook getoon hoe hierdie opvattings betreffende die implisiete soeke ten opsigte van "volmaaktheid", "outentisiteit" en ''vryheid" in hul onderskeidelike tekste korrespondeer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1991.
Svevo, Italo, -- 1861-1928 -- Criticism and interpretation, Michelstaedter, Carlo, -- 1887-1910 -- Criticism and interpretation, Dissertations -- Italian literature, Theses -- Italian literature