Factors that contribute to HIV-related stigma and discrimination within the Christian faith community : a survey of the Christ Embassy Church in Windhoek

Senzanje, Nomusa
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the problem of HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination in faith communities and explored the contributing factors in order to inform effective intervention strategies. The non-experimental quantitative research method using questionnaires was used to collect data. The study surveyed a total of 60 respondents who belonged to the Christ Embassy Church in Windhoek. The survey included several aspects of stigma, such as: negative attitudes and values towards people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA); perceived risk of HIV infection due to casual contact with PLHA; disclosure of HIV status; social distancing from PLHA and sources of information on HIV/AIDS. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007. Results showed that knowledge of HIV/AIDS amongst respondents was considerably high. However, no significant relationship was found between knowledge and stigma. The findings established the existence of personal stigma which was manifested in the fears of casual contact and stigmatizing values exhibited by a significant number of respondents. The respondents held highly judgmental beliefs, shame and blame for PLHA. Although incidences of enacted stigma were generally low, it was apparent that lack of space for HIV/AIDS discussions, lack of disclosure, lack of dissemination of HIV/AIDS information and deeply rooted religious beliefs played a major role in perpetuating stigma in the Church. Personal stigma was defined as the individual's own attitude towards PLHA and enacted stigma were the actual acts of discrimination.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die probleem van MIV/VIGS verwante stigma en diskriminasie in die geloofsgemeenskappe en verken die bydraende faktore ten einde effektiewe intervensie strategieë te lig. 'n Nie nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is vir die studie gebruik waardeur vraelyste gebruik is om data in te samel. Die studie ondersoek 'n totaal van 60 respondente wat behoort aan die Christus Ambassade Kerk in Windhoek. Die opname sluit in verskeie aspekte rondom stigma, soos: negatiewe houdings en waardes teenoor mense wat met MIV/VIGS lewe; ervaar risiko van MIV-infeksie as gevolg van toevallige kontak met mense met MIV/VIGS; bekendmaking van MIV-status, sosiale afstand van mense met MIV/VIGS en bronne van inligting oor MIV/VIGS. Data is ontleed met behulp van Microsoft Excel 2007. Resultate dui daarop dat kennis van MIV/VIGS onder respondente aansienlik hoog is. Daar is egter geen beduidende verband gevind tussen kennis en stigma nie. Hoewel gevalle van stigma voorgekom het was dit oor die algemeen laag. Dit is duidelik dat daar 'n gebrek is aan ruimte vir MIV/VIGS besprekings sowel as bekendmaking en verspreiding van MIV/VIGS inligting. Diep gewortelde godsdienstige oortuigings speel 'n belangrike rol in die uitwissing van stigma in die kerk. Persoonlike stigma is gedefinieer as die individu se eie houding teenoor mense met MIV/VIGS.
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management, HIV-positive persons -- Discrimination against -- Namibia -- Windhoek, Stigma (Social psychology) -- Namibia -- Windhoek, HIV infections -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- Namibia -- Windhoek