Principles of task-based methodology for Xhosa second language grade 7-9

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the principles of task based methodology for Xhosa second language for grades 7-9. The appropriacy of a task based approach to second language learning and teaching is discussed. Theoretical assumptions of second language learning and teaching are reviewed with special reference to Universal Grammar. The assumption is that L2 learners do have Universal grammar available to them although they require L2 grammar through what they know from L1. A model for language acquisition is discussed which in broad terms is relevant to both L1 and L2. This study also seeks to determine whether Communicative language teaching is still an appropriate method for teaching language or whether it needs some refinement. The task based syllabus is discussed with respect to how it organises and presents what is to be achieved through teaching and learning. This is shown to be done by engaging the learners' communicative competence in undertaking a range of tasks. The only effective way of teaching and learning L2 in the classroom, is through communicative tasks. Tasks focus on the authentic use of language for meaningful communicative purposes beyond the language classroom. It is through interaction that a learner can perceive, comprehend and internalise structures. This interaction encourages the negotiation of meaning in order to comprehend, get feedback and modify interlanguage. The tasks should be selected according to the needs and interests of learners. Communicative tasks are classified as placing a focus on pedagogy and learning theory. The basis is a goal and an activity with concepts such as information flow, optimal and information request, collaboration, independance of participants and task goals as central to this classification. A typology of task types is explored and it is explained how each task type can be utilised in order to provide opportunities to learners for comprehending the target language, receive feedback on the comprehensibility of input and to modify their interlanguage. A range of communication tasks for Xhosa, based on the real world are analysed in terms of this typology. The role of grammar in learning and teaching L2 is illustrated. In order to recover communicative meaning a partial use of form should be used as a clue to meaning. As accuracy is crucial when one communicates, the communicative tasks to be designed must focus on both form and meaning. Salient functions, notions and language structures are identified based on Xhosa communicative task dialogues so as to guide the teacher on the selection of language content which depends on the level of the learners. A discussion on how best task based methodology can facilitate the outcomes specified for language, literacy and communication learning area in outcomes based education is given.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die beginsels van taakgebaseerde metodologie vir Xhosa tweede taalonderrig vir graad 7-9. Die geskiktheid van 'n taakgebaseerde benadering tot tweedetaalverwerking en -onderrig sal ondersoek word. teoretiese aannames oor tweedetaal (T20) verwerwing en -onderrig sal beskou word met spesifieke verwysing na Universele Grammatika. Die aanname word gemaak dat Universele Grammatika beskikbaar is vir tweedetaal-leerders, alhoewel hulle die T2 grammatika verwerf deur kennis van die L1 sisteem. 'n Model van taalverwerwing word bespreek wat in bree trekke vir sowel T1 en T2 relevant is. Die studie het ook ten doel om te bepaal of kommunikatiewe taalonderrig 'n geskikte metode vir taalonderrig is en of dit verandering of verfyning benodig. Die taak-gebaseerde sillibus sal ondersoek word met verwysing na vraagstukke van hoe dit leer- en onderriginhoude organiseer en aanbied. Daar word aangetoon dat kommunikatiewe vaardigheid onderrig kan word deur leerders se kommunikatiewe vermoens in te span deur hulle te betrek in die uitvoer van 'n verskeidenheid take. Take fokus op die outentieke gebruik van taal vir betekenisvolle kommunikatiewe doeleindes buite die klaskamer. Deur insteraksie kan leerder taalstrukture waarneem, verstaan en interpreteer. Hierdie interaksie bevorder die onderhandeling van betekenis ten einde input te verstaan, terugvoer op produksie te kry en intertaal te wysig. 'n Verskeidenheid kommunikasietake vir Xhosa gebaseer op die werklike wereld sal indie studie geanaliseer word volgens 'n taaktipologie. Die rol van die aanleer en onderrig van grammatika vir tweede taalonderrig sal bespreek word. Aangesien akkuraatheid belangrik is doeltreffende kommunikasie,moet die kommunikatiewe take wat ontwerp word op sowel vorm as beteknis fokus. Prominente funksies, begrippe en taalstrukture word geidintifiseer en gebaseer op die Xhosa dialoe van die verskillende kommunikatiewe take wat pedagogiese eenhede ind ie onderrig kan wees en deels bepaal kan word deur die taalvervaardigheidsvlak van die leerders. Laastens word aspekte bespreek omtrent hoe 'n taakgebaseerde metodologie die uitkomste van die leerarea tale, geletterdheid en kommunikasie kan fasiliteer.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 1998.
Xhosa language -- Study and teaching, Teaching Xhosa as a second language, Second language acquisition