Preliminary investigations into the immunity of ostriches to Newcastle disease and Clostridium perfringens infections

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The international demand for ostriches and their products has increased dramatically in the past years. This in turn has lead to an increase in the importance of infectious ostrich diseases. Due to the fact that South Africa is currently the largest producer of ostrich products in the world, the effects that infectious ostrich diseases can have on the local industry, are particularly relevant Newcastle disease (ND) can cause significant economic losses to the ostrich industry. Countries such as those in the European community importing ostriches or ostrich products, demand that they be certified virus free.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die internationale aanvraag na volstruise en hul produkte het aansienlik toegeneem in die afgelope paar jaar, met 'n gevoglike toename in die belang van aansteeklike volstruissiektes. Suid-Afrika is huidiglik die grootste vervaardiger van volstruis produkte ter wêreld en die effek wat aansteeklike volstruissiektes kan hê op die plaaslike industrie is dus besonder relevant. Newcastle siekte (NS) kan groot ekonomiese verliese vir die bedryf inhou. Lande soos dié in die Europese gemeenskap wat volstruise of hul produkte invoer, vereis dat dit virus-vry gesertifiseer word.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1998.