Implementation and evaluation of affirmative action

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of affirmative action has been interpreted variously by different interest groups. As a policy, affirmative action is .intended to correct the imbalances and disparities that have become germane to the South African labour force. Those who were previously disadvantaged eagerly welcome it. This study explores the n-ature and implementation of affirmative action and examines literature on the various aspects pertaining to affirmative action. The empirical research was done at the Traffic Branch of the Municipality of Cape Town an employer with an affirmative action policy. The results were tabulated for purposes of comparison. The overall findings of the research project are then discussed and concluded with research findings.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep regstellende aksie word verskillend deur belangegroepe vertolk. As 'n beleid is regstellende aksie bedoel om die wanbalans en ongelykhede wat verwant aan die Suid Afrikaanse arbeidsmag geraak het, te korrigeer. Diegene wat vroeer benadeel was verwelkom dit. Die studie verken die aard en implementering van regstellende aksie. Die empiriese navorsing was gedoen by die Verkeerstak van die Munisipaliteit van _Kaapstad 'n werkgewer met 'n beleid van regstellende aksie. Die resultate is getabuleer vir doeleindes van vergelyking. Die algehele bevindinge van die navorsingsprojek word dan bespreek en afgesluit met die navorsingsbevindinge.
Study project (MPA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1998.
Affirmative action programs -- Evaluation, Affirmative action programs -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Public administration, UCTD