Fallosentrisme in Suid-Afrikaanse fotoverhale : 'n ondersoek in geslag en ras as stelsels van dominansie

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study assumes that the phenomenon of South African-published "photo-stories" which were popular between c. 1950 and the early 1980's reflects the socio-political ( power structures which were in place at that time. An image/textual analystis is made of four cardinal race and gender figures in such publications and conclusions are drawn regarding hierarchies of domination and suppression.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie neem aan dat die fenomeen van Suid-Afrikaans gepubliseerde "fotoverhale", wat tussen die vyftiger- en tagtigerjare gewild was, die sosio-politiese magstrukture wat gedurende daardie tydperk bestaan het, reflekteer. 'n Beeld- en tekstuele analise van vier kardinale ras- en geslagsgorepe in sulke publikasies is gemaak. en gevolgtrekkings ten opsigte van hierargie van dominansie en onderdrukking word getref.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 1998.
Fotonovela -- South Africa, Race in literature, Sex in literature, Phallicism in literature, Dominance (Psychology), Sexism in literature, Racism in literature, UCTD