n Ondersoek na die volkskundige waarde van die Versamelde Werke van C.J. Langenhoven

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this investigation was to recreate the image of an era, the era of C. J. Langenhoven, using the folkloristic elements in his Collected Works. It also attempts to demonstrate how he was at the same time a product and co-creator of that era . The civilization and culture of his time contributed to create the person and the artist, who gave back that which he received, in an enriched form, the form of literature. The contents of this study focusses on the cultural conditions in which Langenhoven functioned. The way in which the folk language is expressed in his Collected Works is examined. The Western European heritage of folk beliefs transferred to this continent of Africa is reflected in his work in an essentially folkloristic way. Langenhoven's struggle for the recognition of his language, Afrikaans, is legendary. That same language, those same social cultural and economic conditions have yet again become controversial, on the threshold of of new millennium. His literary heritage is an image of his own times. It also becomes an image of an emotional value, a distinctive culture, in which the Afrikaans speaker of the 1990's can still recognize himself. Langenhoven guides his readers in an exploration of their cultural roots and their history. He provokes them to preserve, to nourish those roots, so that they are not lost, but continue to grow, both in scope and in intensity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om die beeld van 'n era, die era van C.J. Langenhoven, met behulp van die volkskundige elemente in sy Versamelde Werke te herskep. Dit probeer ook aantoon hoe hy terselfdertyd 'n produk en medeskepper van daardie era was. Die beskawing en die kultuur van sy tyd het hom gevorm, en hy gee dit wat hy ontvang, in 'n verrykte vorm terug, in die vorm van die letterkunde. Die inhoud van hierdie studie fokus op die kultuurtoestande waarin Langenhoven werksaam is. Die wyse waarop die volkswoordkunde in sy Versamelde Werke uitgedruk word, word ondersoek. Ook die Wes-Europese volksgelooferfenis wat op hierdie Afrika-kontinent neerslag gevind het, word op eg volkskundige wyse in sy werk vergestalt. Langenhoven se stryd om die erkenning van sy taal, Afrikaans, is legendaries. Daardie selfde taal, daardie selfde maatskaplike, kulturele en ekonomiese toestande het nou weer, op die drumpel van 'n nuwe millennium, 'n strydpunt geword. Sy literêre nalatenskap is 'n beeld van sy eie tyd. Dit word ook 'n beeld van 'n gevoelswaarde, 'n eiesoortige kultuur, waarin die Afrrkaansspreker van die 1990's homself kan herken. Langenhoven lei sy lesers op 'n ontdekkingsreis na hulle kultuurwortels en hulle geskiedenis. Hy daag hulle uit om daardie wortels te bewaar en te versorg sodat dit nie verlore raak nie, maar bly groei, in omvang en in sterkte.
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1997.
Langenhoven, Cornelis Jakob, -- 1873-1932 -- Criticism and interpretation, Folklore -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Afrikaans culture, UCTD