Kragstelselondersoek vir die Sunsat mikrosatelliet

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of a distributed power system for a Low Earth Orbit microsatellite, like SUNSAT, is researched. The launch and space environment's effect on the power system is described, after which a power budget is drafted. The load system, consisting of the distributed regulators, power switches, current sensors and associated protection circuitry, is described. Separation, the resulting switch-om and the power distribution through the harnesses to the load system, is discussed. The losses in the harnesses are calculated. The construction and matching of the source system's main elements, the solar panels and batter, is discussed. The selection process of battery cells, concepts of charge algorithms and the protection against total battery discharge is explained.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis onderesoek die ontwikeling van 'n kragstelsel in 'n verspreide newe-newe topologiw vir 'n lae-aardbaan mikrosatelliet soos SUNSAT. Die invloed van die lansering- en ruimte-omgewing op die kragstelsel word bespreek, waarna 'n drywingsbegroting opgestel word. Die verspreide reguleerders, kragskakelaars, stroommeters en beskermingsmeganismes word ondersoek. Hierdie kompnoente vorm saam die lasstelsel. Die aanskakeling net na loslating en die kragverspreiding deur die harnasse, met die gepaardgaande verliese, word beskryf. Die sonpanele en battery is die hoofkomponente van die bronstelsel. Hul samestelling en passing word verduidelik en die keuringsproses van die batteryselle word behandel. Konsepte vir laai-algoritmes en 'n beskermingsmeganisme teen totale ontlading word bespreek.
Thesis (MIng)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1997.